Guy Prince

Hi guys.
So guess what I've lost my marbles and bought a P38 dse auto. Oddly(!) it's gone wrong, which is how I find myself here. I've inwardly digested as much information as I currently need to sort my issue (real lack of power) it seems friendly enough here without the current trend of 'bants' and **** poor grammar that is rife on Facebook pages. Thank goodness Land Rovers appear to be bought by articulate informed reasoning adults not pre-pubescent school children wanting a fight or to perv on your Mrs.
I have totally fallen for the charms of my p38, accepted the constant maintainance and drain on finances as part and parcel of ownership.
I've recently retired at the tender age of 49 through choice following a health issue (stroke) after 30 plus years as an independent tech.
In all that time I avoided this marque and consentrated on most things V.A.G.
I bought the car knowing it had a few problems and swiftly dealt with them (auto box, blend motors(grr), AC, turbo,all the hardy spicers, rear diff, fuel temp sender, engine coolant temp sender, window regulator, viscous fan) which in all took just over a week in my knackered state.
Now it's all done I've discovered after being in a pals that it's woefully short of go but am on it with a better idea of where to head.
The worst issue I've had is finding good diagnostics. I've a solus ultra which talks to it but I'd like to see more and can see the rsw lead in my future.
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Welcome. Good luck with the project. If you need help go to the Range Rover part of the forum. Best not to post in bold text, a bit shouty.
Welcome. Good luck with the project. If you need help go to the Range Rover part of the forum. Best not to post in bold text, a bit shouty.
Thank you and well spotted (I'm guessing my fat thumbs caught it while scrolling) it's now corrected.
Yes, well pointed out. We are a friendly bunch that includes a few mickey takers but is all done in good fun. It looks like you have done a fair amount of work to your landy. I know nothing about P38's cos I can't afford one. My series 3 ensures that. I hope you get to the bottom of your poor power problem, keep us informed, it all adds to the knowledge database.

Yes, well pointed out. We are a friendly bunch that includes a few mickey takers but is all done in good fun. It looks like you have done a fair amount of work to your landy. I know nothing about P38's cos I can't afford one. My series 3 ensures that. I hope you get to the bottom of your poor power problem, keep us informed, it all adds to the knowledge database.

Yes, well pointed out. We are a friendly bunch that includes a few mickey takers but is all done in good fun. It looks like you have done a fair amount of work to your landy. I know nothing about P38's cos I can't afford one. My series 3 ensures that. I hope you get to the bottom of your poor power problem, keep us informed, it all adds to the knowledge database.

It'll either be the coolant temp sender that's reporting -35°c, the fuel temp sender that thinks it's colder still at -41°c affecting fuel quantity or the iat choked, which I've seen before on a bmw e39 m51 (same engine) I used to look after.
The next 'mod' will be to fit a thermocouple to fire the AC fans whilst deleting the viscous fan.
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Welcome aboard:) Nice bus the P38 - not for me due the electronics:mad::mad::mad:, but nice ;)

AFAIK, the only diagnostic which will work with the P38 is Nanocom - but others with more experience will advise - 'specially in the RR section.

Post some piccies up - we likes piccies :D
My snap on solus ultra talks to the engine, the EAS and the abs.

I can read codes, clear them and get live data. The cars a '97 P with the no maf no egr BMW M51 2.5

I've pals who have had 2001 Y plate 4.6 hse that the Solus happily talked to via obd2. I wasn't there at the time so couldn't say if the HVAC was compliant but I'm guessing not.
My HVAC currently has a clean bill of health and no book (just watch this jinx it)

Here's how it looked when it arrived. I'll post some more after its had a bath tomorrow.

Nice looking bus - thanks for sharing. :)

Cool garage too - I recognise the plastic shelves :rolleyes: ... B&Q by any chance? - I know mine were :D
Nice looking bus - thanks for sharing. :)

Cool garage too - I recognise the plastic shelves :rolleyes: ... B&Q by any chance? - I know mine were :D
I'm really happy with the truck bus thing, I'm not sure which cap fits it best yet.
Thank you, I have two workshops like that the other twice the height.
The shelves I inherited from a friend emergrating to Oz, to be honest they're a bit of a dumping ground and I'd love to utilise them differently and b & q is most likely
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Nice looking bus that :) sorry to hear of your health issues, hope you're recovered now ;)

Keep the pictures and updates coming ! :D
Nice looking bus that :) sorry to hear of your health issues, hope you're recovered now

Keep the pictures and updates coming ! :D
Unfortunately it's forced retirement, but I'm a stubborn bugger and 12 months or so solid hard work at physiotherapy will make a dent in it. The rangie is helping induce me getting my hands dirty and accelerating recovery.

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