Hi, new to this site having recentily moved over from the uk.
I purchased a Freelander 2.0 td to bring our trailer over here.
It was my first purchase of a Landrover and to be honest,im very dissapointed with it.

Ive had major problems with very large garage bills since arriving as everything seems to be going on it..lol
Needed a new battery within days of arriving,just put that down to bad luck though.
Then i had to replace the IRD Unit..over £1600 here..even though the logbook says it was replaced only 2 years ago.
The radiator went next..this was my fault though..coolant too cold..when engine too hot..lol..learning curve is very expensive..lol

The reason i came on here was for some advice on a problem that has just started.

When i depress the accelator or take my foot off it,theres a clunking noise coming from the back of the car,drivers side.
Took to my local garage over here..and on inspection..the rubbers on the Diff Mounts seemed to have gone.
Two new mounts installed..with labour..over £210.
The problem is still there.
Checked to see if the exhaust was bumping against anything..but it seems ok.
The mechanic seems to think there is a possibility of the Diff needing replacing,but hes very unsure about it.
He dosnt want to replace it unless hes 100% sure,as over here they cost a bomb.
Any of the members been through this as well?
Any comments or feedback would be greatly appreciated.
welcome mate, where abouts in spain are you. if you post in the freelander section im sure you will get a good response, i have a feeling it may be the vcu, welcome anyway, ;)
Hi there.

Welcome to forum. I have posted a response to your clunky problems on the Freelander forum. Hope it is useful.


hey spanish,
am i right in thinking there is a 4x4 club near mijas, am sure i seen one advertised for there or nerja
Hi Bettyblue
Not to sure about that.
We live out in the sticks,where a donkey going through the main street is classed as a traffic jam..lol
Will look into it though.

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