
New to this site so still looking around.
I have a 2008 Discovery 3 which apart from the three amigos has given me no problems for five years, until now.
I had the screeching EPB problem and brake jammed on. I pulled the emergency release, stripped out the rear brake system, fitted new gears in acuator and all new cables, shoes calipers and pads. Reset the DCT codes. The acuator made a different screeching sound and didn't apply brake. The DCT registered 'Emergency release had been pulled', yet it had not and the latch in the acuator between the two cables was still connected..
Any ideas?
I have had the acuator working correctlty, out of the vehicle by attaching the motor direct to a battery.
Is there any way of testing the electrical side of the EPB within the vehicle?

EPB is a little much for the introduce section best to ask in the disco section, there are procedures to do after the work you have done I will have a dig.

Oh edit your postcode out of your location close enough is good enough :).

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