linden cahill

New Member
hi to you all
i am new today on here and will need some help or advise to sort my new car out.
i have just bought a 2004 disco 2 v8 e.s premium and it has one /two issues .
the 1st one i knew about when i collected the car,the 2nd just may be a standard feature of the car.
this car is beautiful ,fully loaded and i love it but it tapps on idle and owning my own garage i would of said cam wear/hydraulic tappet element-its done 95k.
my worst fear is a sllipping liner,either issue is not a problem for me as regards repairing the engine but i need clarification as to were the noise originates from.
i said on idle it tapps/knocks but its not quiet generally overall.
it feels a bit numb at low revs which would suggest valve train gear problems,but speaking to chris at r.p.i they were down tuned at the factory to help range rover sales,i dont know.
what noise does a slipping liner make?
sometimes the noise slightly fades ,that makes me think tappet compensating for cam wear,.
over the last 25 years i have never had the occasion to work on the rover v8 that why i am un-certain as to the back ground of the above fault.
the second issue is a tranmission whine in first gear that gets less when it shifts in to 2nd and then goes away totally,its auto by the way.
the gearbox other that that is perfect,smooth changes no rattles or bangs,drops into reverse with only the slightest nudge and back in to drive equally as smooth.but it does have this low ratio whine that i consider unusal for a car of this quality-drives fine though.
any ideas from you experts out there please.
i'll start by been the first to welcome you to landyzone ! my first advice would be dont mend what aint broke...!
sounds like a disco to me.....
i aint right good at me v8s but does sound like you have tappet issue somewhere, im sure some of the experts on here will lend a hand when the new years eve parties are over.... you could however leave this problem in the discovery forum more people will see it there, better chance of getting the help you need.... ps beware there will be banter and **** taking!
its common on here this forum is not for the faint hearted lol....
enjoy your time on the site...

ugly duck...

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