chris baddeley

New Member
hi landy zone .
just getting grips with landy zone now , its a exerlent site .
the members seem to want to help people which is exerlent , its great if you can help a fellow member , and the info an this site is second to none really enjoy flicking through.
i,m a new member of staffs and shropshire land rover club. and have already seeked the green laning man out and have arranged a day out over shropshire green laning at the end of nov, will take some pictures and let you no how a total beginner with me family gets on . really looking forward to this trip.
i have been busy doing a lot of things to me landy , and enjoying every minute even when its been hard to do but have a lot more skill on doing things now
i hope ha ha .
the fun in a club is meeting different people with there landy,s .
been to a couple of the races and had a good time ,
if you help to mark out the course you get to drive the course as many times as you like, which i will be doing in the near future, with pictures as well .
i went to billing this year , wow my only regret i was there for just the sat , next year will be there on the friday with me carravan.
if any members of landy zone are going it might be a good idea to pass a few phone numbers about , or a time to meet one and other for a rate good old chat ,and a drink ,
look forward to some feed back eh lads
cheers chris
staffs and shropshire
I like the idea of meeting people too. I went to billing on the friday this year and had a great time..
hi matey.
as we start to get to no members through chatting, on landy zone
we all have a fantastic thing in common we all luv landys ,
and to meet members that are all over the british isle would be great
to chat and have a drink with at a major edvent like billing and lro show
would be an extra pleasure going to the show.
cheers chris .
I totaly agree, i think i made all of the big shows this year and wondered if any of the people i walked past were people from the net.. I saw mother from the alt forum at the LRO show with his 101.. very nice indeed.
With a bit of luck i should have a t shirt or two before the next one so people can recognise me.... oh and its good advertisement hehe

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