
Active Member
Hi Everyone,

Thought I would make the effort to introduce myself. I have beeb lurking in the shadows for a while (reading threads etc) and thought it was about time I said hello!

My name is Matt and I am a 20 year old student in Manchester. I met my girlfriend 2 years ago and her dad has a 110 landrover which has loves (called Laura by the way). I have always been interested in cars and using this as a good bonding point with the girlfriends father I started getting more involved in his landy project! Long story short I fell in love!

Ever since I have been keeping an eye out for something for me although being a student i really cant afford one!

Originally came here to look for some advice on a master cylinder fault on the 110 and have stuck around ever since!

Thanks guys and gals!

Welcome. I suppose the idea of studying is that one day you can own a Range Rover to go with your project car - so don't worry to much if you can't afford one at the mo, it will all come in time.
Welcome. I suppose the idea of studying is that one day you can own a Range Rover to go with your project car - so don't worry to much if you can't afford one at the mo, it will all come in time.
That is definitely the plan! I have recently found someone who lives near me in manchester who has a 90 which he has worked on!

I love reading all the different threads; i am part of the corsa forums (as I currently have a corsa) and the forums are completely different. Here (although everyone seems a bit bonkers) it is all about the love of the landy in every form. The corsa forums there is a lot more modification for modifications sake. Each to there own but I prefer functionality where the decision has to be made.

I have a background in fitness (being a lifeguard, duty manager, personal trainer and class instructor) and IT amongst other things so if anyone has a question feel free to ask me directly, otherwise i will just stumble on the threads and help where I can.


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