
New Member
Evening all,

Thought that it was time to sign up to the forum as i have been glancing at it from time to time.

I have owned my 200tdi 90 for the best part of 9 months, i have loved every minute of owning it and have taken it from looking sorry for itself to one that looks like it is used but cared for! :D

I'm in need of some assistance with replacing the battery box though, i have tried searching the forum but have come up dry. There are a few that explain about building new ones, but when i bought the truck a galvanised box came with it. I would like to fit this, so that in my mind, the box will last for as long as i intend on keeping the old girl.

Can anyone steer me in the right direction please??

Cheers Henra
the battery bos is welded to the seatbox so you'll need to remove seat box. cut old box off and weld new box on. Been Galvy you'll need to grind the galvy off before welding or weld in a well ventilated area as welding Galvy produces Phosgene gas. (AKA Mustard Gas)

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