
New Member
Hi All hoping someone can help, ive spent the last 18 months rebuilding a ex mod 110 , and as of this week its complete and on the road , now my worry is some low life will take it ive added some security but would love to know of anything you guys recommend ( obviously by private message only ) I now have the 110 with 200tdi that ive always wanted i just don't want it to go walk about .
many thanks for any advice and if anyone wants any help on converting a old 110 to disco 200tdi id more than happily help ive learnt a few points that would of saved me alot of work along the way.
Thank you
Hello and welcome:)
nice looking landy there:)
have a look in the general landrover section of the forum you will see Rattys poll security devices, have a look throw there.
Welcome Aboard :)

Nice looking LR.

I'd suggest a Tracker, either "home made" ( do a search on here, there's a good thread with lots of advice ), or a subscription one. Potentially more important is that you get it on agreed value insurance - as the so called "market value" of an ex military 110 from the 80's is going to be about 1/4 of the replacement cost :rolleyes: :mad::mad::mad:
Hello and welcome:p
My My that looks nice, lots of hard work gone into that
Security wise cant you borrow a hungry tiger from a wildlife park to live in it:p:D:p
Haha thank you all for the advice and positive comments its felt like a long rebiuld!! The insurance is a very valid point id not thought about as when insured it was in no state to send pics the tiger should do the trick although i think id find it hard to relax

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