
New Member
Hello there all, I've been reading posts and knocking bits around accordingly on the landy for a while but I thought it was time to make the effort and make a thread. So my question is...has anyone tried converting their engine to run on water yet?....yes, I'm serious...its called HHO and acts as a boost to the existing fuel rather than a stand alone power source. Anyway if anyone has tried it yet let me know....I've already got magnets on the fuel line (they used to use them on spitfires and Hurricanes as they increase fuel efficiency) and thats getting me an extra 10% on my mileage, but I'd like to go for the 70% increase that water offers!

More Snake Oil anyone?
Is that a no then? I take it you heathens aint seen the geeza pottering round in his motor on water then. He originally invented it to power his welder. Look up water powered welder on google. Ya bums!
Used ter run my Harley on ****, but I drank more back then.........................Nah, acherly, Slob's got it right:

**** off.
look yer twot its sez SLOB not cod, nor any other kinda fish. so **** orf back to what ever flea pit yer came from
oh oh oh please tell me more about it!!Oh go on Im really really Interested.......
Too late you had ya chance
ffs ah just dint believe it!!!!

tell me it can't be true, ave just bin on youtube and there's a vid of some merkin running his car on household rubbish
My mate's got a tractor that runs on grass. It's called a horse and it's flamin brilliant. I'm thinking of converting the wife's car to run on her farts:D
we had this a few weeks ago , it wur **** then and its still **** now.
if you want to be taken in and believe all the **** floating around on the net , you carry on . just don't expect others to be so gulible.

if yer wanna lurn something do a search on here as charlesy has explained why their claims are impossible.

then again you probably still believe in the tooff fairy

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