
New Member
hi all am in need bit help/info lol are u ready for this lol i have a 93 k reg disco which i havnt had long but am having bit of break fade it isnt all time but if i am rolling forward or back wards and i put my foot on brake pedal its as if there nothing there after bit of inspecting today have noticed the discs are rather rusty on back and only half inch of disc is shiny/smooth i was wondering if may be wheel cylinders had gone and thats reason???????? obviously this stab in dark for me lol after owning foreign crap and fords most my life lol have recently had cam rebuilt as some tosser hacked away at it and £750.00 later hey presto its all good lol engine sweet now just mot up soon and dont perticulary like driving without brakes well back ones plssssssssss help thanks jeff shaw:confused::confused:
Here i bets if you clicks on that Ad further up the page for ebc brakes diredt, they'd have some pad and disc type things for ya
Oi fecker....tis friday aand i waited n all day for you to turn up, Where ya been??? Got lost in the chip shop???

I dint get lost in the chippy. I couldn't find me way out due to all them empty chippy wrappers.:eek:

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