A bee in a bottle in a overinflated market is what we are facing. Been overdue for a shrinkage for the large food industry supermarket retailers.
A bee in a bottle in a overinflated market is what we are facing. Been overdue for a shrinkage for the large food industry supermarket retailers.
In't funny how the "shortage of drivers" means that the supermarkets only manage to get 20 artic loads a day instead of the usual 24....and it is always the basics that they are "short" of? You don't see empty clothing racks, empty household goods shelves. No...it is the items that will create the most publicity (and political outcry) that disappear. The cynic in me cries foul! :mad:
In't funny how the "shortage of drivers" means that the supermarkets only manage to get 20 artic loads a day instead of the usual 24....and it is always the basics that they are "short" of? You don't see empty clothing racks, empty household goods shelves. No...it is the items that will create the most publicity (and political outcry) that disappear. The cynic in me cries foul! :mad:

That is a very valid point.
Maybe it is because food is the fast mover, and the other stuff is not time critical/perishable.
I know all our kit is on the road pretty much 24/7, and any breakdowns (lots!) cause major cluster fcuks.
That is a very valid point.
Maybe it is because food is the fast mover, and the other stuff is not time critical/perishable.
I know all our kit is on the road pretty much 24/7, and any breakdowns (lots!) cause major cluster fcuks.
Food sector is the worst because the knock on effects from farm being industrialised couple of decades back. Quite a few supermarkets built huge buildings yet footprint is only twenty percent. With fresh food only taking two to five percent of the twenty.. have a look what sells fresh compared to slow moving goods meats salads bread fruits are small amounts. But the turnover can create waste on a grand scale.
I gave up (or rather didn't bother to renew) both my Class 1 & 'all groups' PSV back in the late 'eighties because I had moved onto an alternative working environment. Any vague notion of going back to truck/bus driving was scuppered by the prospect of the Cert. of competence in later years.
I'm sure there are thousands of experienced drivers like myself out there who just can't be 'arsed with it anymore & who, unlike me, are still young enough to return to the industry.
The UK has been experiencing driver shortages for decades, now the powers-to-be see the opportunity to exploit the situation for their own ends with main-stream media splashing 'fuel shortages' all over their front pages yesterday ... now we have roads jammed up with queues at all the filling stations, which is exactly what could be expected.
I resubmitted my medical about 2 months ago. Had a text saying DVLA had received it and were working it. Still no update, still no entitlement. Anyway, I once used to drive pre CPC if they dropped that I could be tempted but so long as it wasn’t national multidrop.
This CPC lark…what is it and how much do it cost? I’m scouting the tinterweb and it looks like a bunch of modules costing about £45 a piece that add up to everything I was taught when I used to drive 25 years ago. Interesting to see you can safely lash and restrain a load online :rolleyes: bloody Urope @Hicap phill
This CPC lark…what is it and how much do it cost? I’m scouting the tinterweb and it looks like a bunch of modules costing about £45 a piece that add up to everything I was taught when I used to drive 25 years ago. Interesting to see you can safely lash and restrain a load online :rolleyes: bloody Urope @Hicap phill

They are a mixture of refreshers, updates, and timewasters.
To be fair, the system is evolving and may one day make sense. You can no longer do 5 days on the same course in the same week at the end of the 5 year period just to stay "qualified"! :eek:
The big boys do in-house training and tailor aspects of it to their own line of business. Independents just have to do whatever they can find. We tie in with the local council boys which keeps the cost down to around £50 a head and ensures that we get an annual course and a mix of topics - and it is in-person, not online. The Driver's hours is probably the most boring session, esp as most of it does not apply to our business, but the First Aid course was well run and actually quite interesting.
At least we get the course paid for, and get paid to attend. When I was with an Agency we were expected to pay for the privilege, and do it in our own time. :rolleyes:
Just do 1 session on the cpc course. (This gets you legal)Then drive for a few years & then if you still like it do 2 more courses.
As you only have to complete all of them in a certain time scale.

we do in house 1 course per year.
Just do 1 session on the cpc course. (This gets you legal)Then drive for a few years & then if you still like it do 2 more courses.
As you only have to complete all of them in a certain time scale.

we do in house 1 course per year.
I assume that’s the tacho module - was on paper tacho last time drove. Fire appliances never needed ‘em ;)
We do one cpc day a year. Apart from I had to do two last year cos my card was nearly out and I was short one. I did one of them online and given the option I'd do all of them that way. I had the football on the telly, brew and a fag whenever I wanted one and didn't have to leave the couch.
We do one cpc day a year. Apart from I had to do two last year cos my card was nearly out and I was short one. I did one of them online and given the option I'd do all of them that way. I had the football on the telly, brew and a fag whenever I wanted one and didn't have to leave the couch.
Shirley, then you could have done the modules whilst driving :D

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