
Well-Known Member
Hi All,

Think, my HG has finally given up the ghost after leaking for quite a while.

Now the engine has done (I think) 150k miles. Pretty sure it will need a new cam and timing chain as well as valve guides. Was thinking of getting the heads gas flowed while they're off too, although no idea who could do this locally.

Is there anything else likely to be knackered on the rest of the engine at this sort of mileage that would make it not worth doing? Oil pump, presumably but what about the rest?

I'm trying to work out if it's worth doing at all (not that I can afford it anyway!).

I did do a head gasket on my old Rover P6 3500S many years ago and found it fairly straightforward, but this is my only vehicle, so I'm a bit daunted this time. Are there any good tutorials/video guides around anywhere for this?

It's a 98 4.6 GEMS.

Cheers for any advice

If it's overheated then there is a risk that one or more liners will have dropped on a 4.6
Personally, I wouldn't have anything to do with a big journal rover V8 unless it's been totally top hat linered.
Think it's just leaking. Top hat linering would be nice for peace of mind, but it's not cheap.
Well, strip it and see!

Just edited post cos spotted its got big journals, was going to say the crank has value but not really if only suitable for 4.6 block.

Heads have value...
Well, strip it and see!

I suppose that would be ideal, but I don't really know what I'm doing or looking for. I'm just about confident enough to tackle the top end as long as I can find someone to recon the heads.

It's still running ok, it's just using a lot of water suddenly.

I'm really umming and ahhing about just getting rid. Might have to buy a runabout while I make my mind up.
ive used something called steel seal on my missus old corsa and her brothers old clio. about £25 a bottle but i can vouch that it works. i really didnt think it would and was very scepticle about using it. corsa was using up all its coolant everytime you got it hot. well worth a punt with this or k seal.
Tried K seal about 8 months ago but it seemed to make no difference to the water loss.

Basically I've been having to top it up once a week. Now, suddenly it seems to be every day, although I may have spotted a leak - I'll have a proper look at the weekend, but that might explain the additional water loss.

I do want to sort it properly though so I'm gearing myself up to a top end rebuild at some point.
Try running it with the coolant cap loose, well, just contacted so it won't fall off. Basically make sure all pressure can get out.

That will help you to diagnose how bad it is i think, because external leaks are more pressure dependant that HG leaks as far as i know... :rolleyes:
Oh and yeah there's no reason not to pull it out for a rebuild anyway, it's a few hundred quid but you'll be chuffed you've done it.

Ideally find another car as a stop gap though...!
I'd quite enjoy pulling it out to rebuild it, but are there any books /guides on exactly how to do things? I'd have thought there would be for an engine this unbiquitous, but not really come across anything.
If it's overheated then there is a risk that one or more liners will have dropped on a 4.6
Personally, I wouldn't have anything to do with a big journal rover V8 unless it's been totally top hat linered.
its just as common on 3.9s
I'd quite enjoy pulling it out to rebuild it, but are there any books /guides on exactly how to do things? I'd have thought there would be for an engine this unbiquitous, but not really come across anything.

Best bet is search the workshop manual or there is the v8 book by I believe les Hamilton( I think that's his name but book can be expensive as its no longer published) workshop manual will give you all the details you need along with a thread on here incase you get stuck with anything.
Yep, more than enough help on here tbh, and a Haynes manual generally sorts the rest out.

Workshop manuals are readily available too!

It's a great shame to let a 4.6 go, tbh it's worth half as much as the whole car if its been fully rebuilt!
Best bet is search the workshop manual or there is the v8 book by I believe les Hamilton( I think that's his name but book can be expensive as its no longer published) workshop manual will give you all the details you need along with a thread on here incase you get stuck with anything.

Des Hammill! :D
Don't get me wrong, I'm keen on mending it - I love my P38 and use it like it's supposed to be, but I was hoping to be able to do the HG and top end at my leisure (not that I've had much of that over the past year - what with divorce pending etc). If it has let go now then it's going to be a distress repair and therefore will have to be done as quickly and cheaply as possible. Not really my dream scenario.

Was just wondering what else I ought to factor in at this sort of mileage. There are plenty of other bits that need looking at on the Rangie. It definitley wouldn't make financial sense, but since when have Landie owners ever worried about that?!
You cannot tell what's what on a big bore engine until you have assessed the block.

Can't offer any other advice than do try to avoid rushing it by trying to obtain a replacement vehicle, and it is much much much easier to do any substantial engine work with the unit removed, plus it encourages you to make a decent job so you don't have to remove it again for a while!
Fair enough. I'll check it at the weekend - hopefully it's just a leaky pipe (did notice a clean bit on my otherwise very muddy engine) - and then reevaluate.
Hmm, fairly inconclusive testing at the weekend. Couldn't find any serious leaks but there did seem to be a lot of air in the system. Not sure if I've maanged to clear it all yet either.

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