
New Member
I'm being told to introduce myself here. I live in Northern California USA and have a 1997 Discovery XD 4.0 V8 Auto. Love the setup of this website.


Another new member here. I live in Durham, UK and currently don't own a Landy. Me and my husband have a couple of old two stroke motorbikes. I'm half looking for a Defender/Series III. Hope some of you experts can give me some tips.
Hello and welcome hope you'll enjoy the site as mush as I am ,there are more members on there way so look out............

welcome to landyzone!! hope you'll pop back every now and then and i wish you luck, the rop, in your quest for a landrover!
Welcome to the site boys! join in and have fun!
Good luck with the search for a Land Rover..
Hey there Live at the edge, Jack, is easier to type.
Where abouts in Nor. Cal. do you hail from, I know that area quite well (for a Brit,) and have friends in Sonoma and S.F. area, also Healdsburg.
Was there last June doing the Rubicon, (great trip) with a guy you may have heard of, his name is Gary, but almost everyone calls him Mudrak.
Welcome to the forum Jack, call in anytime.

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