
Well-Known Member
Has anybody else used this company?

We bought a 300tdi CSW from him in January. He seemed a really nice guy, the Land Rover broke down on the way home and he sent a guy to fix it (it was recovered to my house)

He said the battery was on its last legs and fitted a new one, but could not get it going. The guy then collected it and took it back to their base in Loughborough.

While it was back with them l asked them to respray both sides and the front panel. Also to replace the cam belt (he said the history showed it done in 2011, but it didn't)

For this we paid an extra £1,000 on top of the £8,995 purchase price.

I collected the Land Rover at the end of January, the work was to a good standard and it looked great.
They'd also fitted a door lock set which they did not charge me for.

However l discovered that they'd swapped the new battery back for an old one.

No big deal and all good so far.

Then the clutch failed and he said he'd repair it FOC but we agreed that l'd get it done locally as he is a fair distance from me, and he'd contribute to the cost. Which he did, £300 towards the £440 l was charged.

But soon after that the auxiliary belt tensioner failed, and the battery let us down. I charged it but it let us down again so l had to fit a new one.

I contacted the dealer as l felt that having paid in total £10,000 (+ another £300 for them to Waxoyl it, again done to a good standard) these should be warranty items .

Again, we are talking about £100 in total, so no big deal, but since then he has not responded my messages and calls.

I don't know. I've spent about £ 500 on it since we bought it, which is to be expected with a 17 year old Land Rover, but it did come with a 3 month warranty.

I guess he just got fed up with us. Am l expecting too much? I went to one dealer (Yanthe landyman) and he said there was no warranty with his vehicles, they were sold as seen.
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This sort of thing comes up from time to time.

Take proper advice from Trading Standards so you know exactly where you stand, bar room lawyers can make things worse by giving you conflicting advice (much of which is likely to be wrong). I don't mean do this so things get nasty, just to give you protection if it doesn't get it resolved in a fair & timely manner.
If you haven't already done so, document everything that has been said & done. Keep copies of anything & everything and note every contact (telephone, text, email, letter etc) along with times & dates including their replies (or lack of). Also note any money that you have spent and any excess travelling that you have had to do.

Hopefully it will get resolved to your satisfaction without having to resort to any form of legal action but if it didn't, you will be surprised how easy and inexpensive it is to do but if you haven't kept decent records it can be a minefield and may never get resolved to your satisfaction.
Lastly, don't threaten or get abusive as that can be used against you, just note down everything and trust in your rights. A firm that has been trading a long time and goes on its recommendations doesn't want a bad press.

As it stands I would say you are being very fair (perhaps too fair?) but what do I know?
what he says and what the law on dealers selling vehicles isnt necessarily the same !
You paid a fair bit for it , and he looks like he was a reasonable guy , like you say he probably thinks that enough is enough , after all its not a new vehicle , and in the end others opinions don't matter that much its between what you want and what he is prepared to accommodate JMHO
The Defender he sold us is actually a very good one.

We viewed plenty, including some that were more expensive, and it seems hard now to get a good TDi particularly genuine Station Wagons.

I'm not going to take action against them for a battery and a tensioner, l was just surprised that they suddenly stopped responding.

There has to be a bit of give and take if you are a dealer selling old Defenders. If you are charging £10,000+ then you have to expect buyers to want more, than if you are selling £5000 projects.

There's a fair few jobs l have done on it, that l never asked them about doing under the warranty.
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Anybody else used Heritage Land Rover Sales?

They've got a large stock of 110's at the moment. How did you get on with them?
I bought one from him. Had a failed fuel pump and speedo, right off the boat. He sent me the parts and I replaced them. It also had a slow leak in one of the tires.

Overall, it was in great shape and he was a good guy to deal with. There were some minor issues here and there, but it's an old defender and I was expecting to work on it.

I know some folks have had good and others bad experiences with him. More often than not, he got back to me. A few times it took a week or so.
Still no contact from them. Left voicemail, and message on their website.

I'm more annoyed about being ignored, than getting the warranty work done. Even if they replied and said they were not prepared to do the items.

I never fell out with them, last time l had contact it was to tell him the Land Rover was running well.
No helping some peeps?

What are you saying then, that l am being unreasonable expecting the dealer to sort everything on my 1997 Defender?
(I don't know, am l?) It was just that we paid over £10,000 and could have got one privately for a lot less, l bought from a dealer for the warranty backup.
No helping some peeps?

What are you saying then, that l am being unreasonable expecting the dealer to sort everything on my 1997 Defender?
(I don't know, am l?) It was just that we paid over £10,000 and could have got one privately for a lot less, l bought from a dealer for the warranty backup.

What your actually find is MHM and myself team up to sort peoples Crock's of **** out, we do this without charge and have had very high pre legal action refund or repair rate.

The point to make is that the goods must be of satisfactory quality for the consideration paid.

Sales of goods allows for UPTO 6 years.****-if-you-already-have-76002.html
The Land Rover is actually a very good example.

My original complaint was that after initially being very helpful, the dealer is now not returning calls. The things l wanted them to deal with are fairly minor, and not worthy of a legal dispute.

Such as it needed a new battery, their mobile engineer fitted one, then when it went back for a gearbox fault (which they repaired satisfactorily) they took it off and put an old one in.

So l had to buy a new one at close to £100****-if-you-already-have-76002.html

The Land Rover is actually a very good example.

My original complaint was that after initially being very helpful, the dealer is now not returning calls. The things l wanted them to deal with are fairly minor, and not worthy of a legal dispute.

Such as it needed a new battery, their mobile engineer fitted one, then when it went back for a gearbox fault (which they repaired satisfactorily) they took it off and put an old one in.

So l had to buy a new one at close to £100

I'll be blunt, if you would like help then you need to calmly list and pm the issues to MHM and myself- between us we will give you same or better advice as "Citizens Advice".

If you feel the above is too onerous, feel free to contact trading standards and see how little effect they have or wait your turn at either Citizens Advice or pay a solicitor to handle matter.

It's a sunny day, I'm taking my son out for dinner and if you get your act together I will help you out at MY convenience over weekend.
The Land Rover is actually a very good example.

My original complaint was that after initially being very helpful, the dealer is now not returning calls. The things l wanted them to deal with are fairly minor, and not worthy of a legal dispute.

Such as it needed a new battery, their mobile engineer fitted one, then when it went back for a gearbox fault (which they repaired satisfactorily) they took it off and put an old one in.

So l had to buy a new one at close to £100

you seem to be able to spend over the odds quite easily ,

a 4yr warranty battery for a 110 is available for £42 delivered next day :)

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