I have no in-depth knowledge, but I have a decently-equipped workshop and a car trailer. I also know of a REAL expert in my area - a really top bloke. I'm about 45 minutes away from the nearest main stealer (Chambery) and I also run a gite so unless I already have guests at least you'll have a roof over your head.

I'm roughly in the middle of the Lyon/Chambery/Grenoble triangle. I'll help to the best of my ability.
I have no in-depth knowledge, but I have a decently-equipped workshop and a car trailer. I also know of a REAL expert in my area - a really top bloke. I'm about 45 minutes away from the nearest main stealer (Chambery) and I also run a gite so unless I already have guests at least you'll have a roof over your head.

I'm roughly in the middle of the Lyon/Chambery/Grenoble triangle. I'll help to the best of my ability.

That's brilliant :cool:

Can you PM a contact number to me and The Mad Hat Man

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