
Well-Known Member
Hi Guys,

New to landys and mechanics in general. I have a 2.5 NA diesel. I've only had it two weeks. It's always seemed down on power but tonight I could smell burning oil and the engine sounded noisier than usual. When I opened the bonnet, the top of the crankcase from about halfway down to the back is covered in engine oil. I'll try and upload a pic. Any clues as to what I do next?

I'll try to upload a pic.

Couple of pics. Engine had been very clean up until this point. I did tighten up one of the fuel leak of pipes about a week ago as it was dripping diesel but there were no oil leaks prior to this.


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Anyone got any thoughts on where the oil is coming from? What I should check first?

Engine only has 48,000 km's on it so should have plenty of life left in it yet.

Hi Chris,

No, I've not added any oil. Prior to this oil leak, it's been too early for me to know if it uses any oil - it does not appear to burn oil other than if you put your foot down hard which I guess is unburnt diesel rather than engine oil.

I checked the level a few days ago and it was between N and H. I was planning on renewing the oil tomorrow with a good quality mineral but I guess it's better to resolve the oil leak issue first!

Are there any hoses or areas around the top of the engine where the oil could leak? It was dark when I took the pictures but it looks as if there is oil right in the centre of the crankcase where the silver GB tag is.

I guess it's possible that I have disturbed the two black metal pipes running up the centre of the engine block when I've been tightening the fuel leak off pipe connection - do they carry oil?
rocker cover gasket? but could really do with a steam clean and a run round the block to look for the source of the leak
Thank for the suggestion daddy2coull. I'll clean the engine tomorrow with degreasser - that should do the trick as the leak has only developed over the last couple of days and I've not driven very far so it all looks very fresh.

Although it was dark so I could not see too clearly, the oil did not appear to have been sprayed from anywhere so I'm guessing it has to be from above or around where it's pooled.

If it is the rocker cover, I guess that's a quick fix with a new gasket.
on closer inspection of your pictures, it looks like its coming from above the rocker cover joint, maybe from the rocker cover bolt seal? looks like part no 273069? the part description is 'washer joint' so possibly more of a seal than a washer
The only oil doing anything in that part of the engine is your rocker cover and the oil filler cap breather.

From the colour, it looks as though it might be from either the filler cap or the breather pipe.

Hope this helps.
could you post the pictures bigger? im having trouble making them out. lol

my guess would be that your breather has a blockage. try cleaning the cyclone filtercap gubbins and givin the pipe a good blow through
Cheers guys. I'll have a look at those this morning.

I've resized the pictures :)

I was reading that the cyclone breather should be cleaned with paraffin. I don't have any to hand but I do have meths, white spirit and petrol - are any of those a suitable alternative?

As suggested by daddy2coull, the oil seemed to be coming form the cover bolt seal. The nut was very slack - pretty much hand tight and the washer looks like it's very thin. Until I can get a new washer, I've just tightened it a little.

I don't know if this has resolved the leak as I then went on to change the oil but I can't get the oil filter off so I'm stuck! The light has gone and I'll have to wait until tomorrow. I'm now going to piggy back another thread about the same issue.

I'll feedback on the leak when I can test it.

Warn you now Spook. do not over do the rocker cover nuts. They only shud be nipped up slightly tight!
Thanks guys. Should I be using a torque wrench for this or just slightly tighten beyond hand tight? Mine cannot be set low enough for the rocker covers, but maybe it's worth investing in another rather than wrecking the engine. If memory serves, I think there supposed to be 9nm
Just go past hand tight and abit more!! I'm sure there's a tourque figure but i cant be fagged to search is your job haha.

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