
Active Member
Just had a call from my sister in France with even more problems with her car 2007/2008 model.
Please bear with me if I'm not 100% clear in my explanation but manic sister "going sell the ******* thing, spent ten thousand euros on it and still.......!"

Centre of dash small rectangular window between I'm told rev counter and ?. Red warning triangle with exclamation mark in it. She was going round a slight left hand bend and the light came on and it now feels that it's juddering. She was on grass pulling a trailer with wood in, so going slowly.

Any help advice would be very gratefully received. Thank you .

Red is a warning to stop and source fault but should be displayed on dash as to what is problem...according to internet
Red is a warning to stop and source fault but should be displayed on dash as to what is problem...according to internet
Thanks, I'll ask her to run it again and see what other signs are up. Offered to send her my Foxwell but she won't understand it and dosn't think anyone there can. So it's off to Land Rover again, think it's an independent but.
Thanks again, if she comes back with anything else I'll ask again.
I would say tell her to get on ebay and buy the icarsoft 930 for 100 quid and read the codes, otherwise it wll be more money and no fix.

Guessing in the dark here, but feeling weird going around corners says to me google steering angle sensor, they come loose on the column and cause all sorts of issues, just need glueing to secure and may need calibrating, is she has a high spec model with he 4x4 info on the nav screen you cans et steering straight then glue the sensor ring back on.

Change the name dave to sis name on this pic and send it to her!

Screen Shot 2019-11-23 at 17.58.41.png
I would say tell her to get on ebay and buy the icarsoft 930 for 100 quid and read the codes, otherwise it wll be more money and no fix.

Guessing in the dark here, but feeling weird going around corners says to me google steering angle sensor, they come loose on the column and cause all sorts of issues, just need glueing to secure and may need calibrating, is she has a high spec model with he 4x4 info on the nav screen you cans et steering straight then glue the sensor ring back on.

Change the name dave to sis name on this pic and send it to her!

View attachment 194794
Thanks for this but looking through the D3 owners handbook it shows a triangle with an exclamation mark in the centre for TC operating. Could it be that simple because the car was on grass pulling a trailer and turning at the same time. She mentioned juddering, I know what my D2 feels like when TC comes on, so just maybe ?
I know it's not easy at this distance to say for definite and it does needs diagnostics on it.
Anyway, time to change the name in the image from Dave to Graham cos she's had enough of the car and given it to me, flying over at the end of January to pick it up. She's not happy with it, preferred her D1's and series she's had over the years. Too complicated for her since her husband died and nobody to offer help without trying to rip her off.
Thanks anyway for your help.
Thanks for this but looking through the D3 owners handbook it shows a triangle with an exclamation mark in the centre for TC operating. Could it be that simple because the car was on grass pulling a trailer and turning at the same time. She mentioned juddering, I know what my D2 feels like when TC comes on, so just maybe ?
I know it's not easy at this distance to say for definite and it does needs diagnostics on it.
Anyway, time to change the name in the image from Dave to Graham cos she's had enough of the car and given it to me, flying over at the end of January to pick it up. She's not happy with it, preferred her D1's and series she's had over the years. Too complicated for her since her husband died and nobody to offer help without trying to rip her off.
Thanks anyway for your help.

Free car sorted.
Cannot beat a series for shear simplicity especially if in a foreign country.
I have heard before getting french garages to fix cars can be entertaining!

Im sure in the AG section theres a couple of people who live in France, always worth an ask for references/ideas, be aware AG section can get out of hand at times, so kep your head low!
I would say tell her to get on ebay and buy the icarsoft 930 for 100 quid and read the codes, otherwise it wll be more money and no fix.

Guessing in the dark here, but feeling weird going around corners says to me google steering angle sensor, they come loose on the column and cause all sorts of issues, just need glueing to secure and may need calibrating, is she has a high spec model with he 4x4 info on the nav screen you cans et steering straight then glue the sensor ring back on.

Change the name dave to sis name on this pic and send it to her!

View attachment 194794
Thanks for this but looking through the D3 owners handbook it shows a triangle with an exclamation mark in the centre for TC operating. Could it be that simple because the car was on grass pulling a trailer and turning at the same time. She mentioned juddering, I know what my D2 feels like when TC comes on, so just maybe ?
I know it's not easy at this distance to say for definite and it does needs diagnostics on it.
Anyway, time to change the name in the image from Dave to Graham cos she's had enough of

Im sure in the AG section theres a couple of people who live in France, always worth an ask for references/ideas, be aware AG section can get out of hand at times, so kep your head low![/QUOTE]
Sorry something went wrong with a reply.

But yes I know about French garages lived there for eleven years and there was no way I'd let them loose on my two D1's I had whilst I was there. Even getting tyres fitted was a challenge.
Like we know simple is best, but she's had enough of it now. On the phone a lot cos there's a new warning light on or a funny noise. Was hoping its something simple for her to deal with before I go over to collect it. And to be honest something that can be sorted before I drive it back. Hadn't been used for five weeks before this happened, again could just be a very weak battery. Told her months ago to get it tested or get a good new one but.....!
Looking forward though to having a play with it, see how good it is compared to my D2 V8. The D3 is a diesel, should be cheaper to put fuel in it than mine.
Thanks anyway, and yes I'll stay out of AG with this.
Found a brilliant and not expensive LR garage (indy) about 20 miles from our place in France. Has tons of spares, mostly Disco, so if you are anywhere near the Tarn- Hérault-Aude corner drop me a pm and I'll pass on his name, address, website etc.
Cheers Stan.
And if you are wary of AG and need help you could use LZIR although i am not too sure how up to date the map is, for instance I am not on it although I have asked a coupla times.
Thank you for your offer. The car is in the Dordogne and I'll bring it back, I hope, in January. I know there's a decent mechanic down there, he's Dutch and seems to know the Discovery fairly well so if anything needs sorting before he'll do it. We lived in the Allier near Montlucon and honestly there wasn't a mechanic there who I'd trust. Dave aka The Big Lad who was on here helped me a few times when needed I an extra two hands. It should get me the 700 miles back to Wiltshire in one piece. Had a new engine not long ago and new brakes recently. In good condition but just too complicated for my sister to trust. Shame really.
But thank you very much.
Thank you for your offer. The car is in the Dordogne and I'll bring it back, I hope, in January. I know there's a decent mechanic down there, he's Dutch and seems to know the Discovery fairly well so if anything needs sorting before he'll do it. We lived in the Allier near Montlucon and honestly there wasn't a mechanic there who I'd trust. Dave aka The Big Lad who was on here helped me a few times when needed I an extra two hands. It should get me the 700 miles back to Wiltshire in one piece. Had a new engine not long ago and new brakes recently. In good condition but just too complicated for my sister to trust. Shame really.
But thank you very much.

Dordogne is some way down, being nosey what made them move there in the first place?
Dordogne is some way down, being nosey what made them move there in the first place?
There are more Brits, statistically, in the Dordogne than in any other part of France! Went on holiday once there and got chatting to a builder doing some work there. He told me that Brits go there saying they want a property, but one that is "not close to any other Brits" which is weird. I think it is the countryside which attracts them, which is like a warm version of some parts of GB, but with all the usual French advantages. Not too flat, not too cold, not too populated in fact, a bit "Beige" but nice enough. (I'd better put my helmet on!) Anyway I daresay OP will tell us, if so inclined!

We have friends where we live in the Tarn, Brits who move almost exclusively in the expat community, they have little meetings of what they call the "Croissant club". We have not been allowed to join! But then I speak fluent French and we have a lot of French and Dutch friends too.

Hmm! As Groucho Marx said " I don't want to be a member of a club that would allow me to become a member!
Dordogne is some way down, being nosey what made them move there in the first place?
Thinking about it, what is with the "some way down" thing? Surely if you are going for more certainty with the warm weather, the farther south you go the better? Which is why our place is way further south, in the Tarn. During our mid-summer holiday in the Dordogne it rained 10 days out of the 14! If you combine being quite southerly with being up high, you get warmth, views but less mugginess and fewer mozzies!
Dordogne is some way down, being nosey what made them move there in the first place?
Not sure why they moved to France in the first place, it was thirty odd years ago I've forgotten and possibly she has.
But the Dordogne, well they thought it beautiful that simple.
There are more Brits, statistically, in the Dordogne than in any other part of France! Went on holiday once there and got chatting to a builder doing some work there. He told me that Brits go there saying they want a property, but one that is "not close to any other Brits" which is weird. I think it is the countryside which attracts them, which is like a warm version of some parts of GB, but with all the usual French advantages. Not too flat, not too cold, not too populated in fact, a bit "Beige" but nice enough. (I'd better put my helmet on!) Anyway I daresay OP will tell us, if so inclined!

We have friends where we live in the Tarn, Brits who move almost exclusively in the expat community, they have little meetings of what they call the "Croissant club". We have not been allowed to join! But then I speak fluent French and we have a lot of French and Dutch friends too.

Hmm! As Groucho Marx said " I don't want to be a member of a club that would allow me to become a member!
When my sister and husband went there they we the only English in that area, a few years later full of English but now most have returned to the UK.
When we lived in l'Allier there was a group of Brits who met each month to eat Cheddar cheese and Walls sausages.
We didn't join in......!
Mind you there was a small village just inside l'Indre which was 90% English, French not allowed French not spoken here.
Yeah, we hate seeing groups of Brits like that. All they ever seem to do is play golf and eat out. Makes us sick the ones who don't try to integrate. We are so grateful for our French friends and they are a barrel of laughs quite apart from being the freindliest and most helpful people. The stuff they do for us without being asked.... We fight to find ways to repay them.

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