
New Member
I have a 2.5 dse P38 that has decided upon giving me a new headache, i am now finding that if a leave the car for a COUPLE OF DAYS i get in and the battery is flat a real pain, so i read through some threads and read about disconnecting the receiver in case of interferance, but when i do that every time i get in the car now it tells me engine disabled press remote, and that means plugging the receiver back in. Im confused because i thought i read that i should still be able to use the car but just without remote access can any one clear this up.

Also i dont know if this is related but my passenger door wont lock or unlock with the rest of the doors but will work all the doors when you press it from the passenger side, i have order a door lock actuator for the passenger side awaiting its arival. I also get alarm activate RH Front door when i get in the car.

Has any one got any idea or advice on my newest problem as i am pulling my hair out, any advice would be appreciated. Cheers in advance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
Did you find a cure for this problem as I have a fault like that. Mine will not unlock with the rest of the doors but it will open all of the other doors from the push button. No other faults like alarm or flat battery. Took door lock apart but could not find any problems with it.

Any ideas?

i am hoping it is the lock actuator so i have orderd one, other than that i am wooried it is a fault with the dredded Becm. did you lock acuator work when you removed it from car?
Hi Stephen
S*/- myself when I opened it as bits fell out. I dont know if was working or not. could not find any thing wrong. As I said the lock works by the push door button. it just does not work with the drivers door key/keyfob. It is giving me a head ache. It appears to be something between the drivers door / keyfob but thats as far as I have got. I have 2 P38's so I might have to take one of the passenger door looks off unless you get your new lock and it cures the problem.

Thanks Craig
ok i will let you know, i am under the impression (HOPE) there are 2 sparate workings on the actuator one for telling all the doors to lock when you press from the passenger door, and onother that locks the door from all others / fob. With us having the exact same problem i am worried about BeCM problems. WELL i will have to just hope it cured easy let you know
I had a similar problem with a Grand Chreokee a while ago. The batteries were draining within hours and damaging the cells to the point where I needed a new battery every 2 weeks:eek:

Took it to Jeep, they charged me the earth but couldn't find the problem. Took it to a small garage and found it was a faulty relay, simple as that.

As the relays aren't too expensive I'd start looking there, see if changing them does the trick.

Hope this helps
I had a similar problem (battery) with my Volvo, turned out to be one of the 'puddle' lights not switching off when the door was closed, maybe worth a look, easier diagnosed in the dark.

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