
Hi guys
Was wondering if you could answer some questions so I can put my mind to rest.
My 200tdi is very Smokey when accelerating even when engine has warmed up. Also I'm getting just under 200mile to a tank of diesel. I drink it faster at higher speeds and if I keep starting the engine.
It's has a large intercooler and a straight exhaust. Does not seam to be drink any water or oil.
Any help would be great thanks
It is grey smoke coming out the back.
Any help would be a great, I wanna see if I can sort it myself without having to pay out a lot of money to get a garage to look at it
Check oil if it is emulsified ie white / beige in colour , same with radiator for any sign of oil possibly head gasket gone.
How long have you had the landrover ?
Do you know when timing belt last changed?
What fuel do you use diesel / veg oil.
If using diesel worth adding some Millers diesel additive which will clean the injectors.
The previous owner may have adjusted the inj pump incorrectly !! Is the cap still in place on the boost diaphram? Is the locking collar still on the full power adjuster on inj pump??
If so then you will need to re adjust these things untill you get a result !!!!
If the pump has been tweeted you should get thick black smoke under heavy acceleration. Grey smoke could be oil being burnt check inside the air filter pipes and the turbo hoses for traces of oil. Take the engine breather pipe of if the engine is breathing heavy you may need to re ring it.
Usually black smoke is over rich burn ie excessive fuel burn, blue smoke is oil being burnt.
Oil burning can be worn piston rings, valve guides leaking, other stuff or just a totally tired out motor.
Badly set up injector pump, worn / knacked turbo, clogged air filter, bad valve settings and even binding brakes can cause excessive fuel use.
When was it last fully serviced?

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