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Following an accident the other driver's insurer is sending an independent assessor to value my lightweight because their own chap reckoned it at less than the £7,700 repair bill, and so wanted to write it off. I had agreed value of £10k on it when I bought it, (and forgot to increase it after the full new chassis and rebuild).

Just in case this assessor is hard of thinking the repairer has suggested that I provide him with some evidence that he'll wave under the assessor's nose.

I'm doing eBay, but if anyone can point me at any valuations that would support a '£10k or over' figure I'd be very grateful.

(Mine is 1980, petrol, everything completely rebuilt with genuine or oem parts two years ago onto a new Richards chassis, new soft top, the only thing not done was the bodywork because it was all straight and nicely faded).
Did you see the thread that @Stanleysteamer posted some days ago. I didnt read it. but as its not your fault and claiming on other parties insurance i dont think they can right it off, i think that was the gist of it.

Did you see the thread that @Stanleysteamer posted some days ago. I didnt read it. but as its not your fault and claiming on other parties insurance i dont think they can right it off, i think that was the gist of it.

Quite right.
As the accident is not your fault the third party's insurer has only two choices, pay for it to be repaired to the level it was before the accident, or give you the correct value, i.e. what you would have to pay to replace it.
As I have said before.
If you were driving a Ferrari and he did £150,000 worth of damage. that is what it would cost them.
And please, please, please do not fall for any of the Write Off bulsh!t.
If you have paid for legal advice with your insurer, then make sure he is the right sort, and not in their pocket. If he is feck him off and get a proper one.
But as soon as you start screaming for a hire car, they'll probably shape up.
Following an accident the other driver's insurer is sending an independent assessor to value my lightweight because their own chap reckoned it at less than the £7,700 repair bill, and so wanted to write it off. I had agreed value of £10k on it when I bought it, (and forgot to increase it after the full new chassis and rebuild).

Just in case this assessor is hard of thinking the repairer has suggested that I provide him with some evidence that he'll wave under the assessor's nose.

I'm doing eBay, but if anyone can point me at any valuations that would support a '£10k or over' figure I'd be very grateful.

(Mine is 1980, petrol, everything completely rebuilt with genuine or oem parts two years ago onto a new Richards chassis, new soft top, the only thing not done was the bodywork because it was all straight and nicely faded).
Here you go
Following an accident the other driver's insurer is sending an independent assessor to value my lightweight because their own chap reckoned it at less than the £7,700 repair bill, and so wanted to write it off. I had agreed value of £10k on it when I bought it, (and forgot to increase it after the full new chassis and rebuild).

Just in case this assessor is hard of thinking the repairer has suggested that I provide him with some evidence that he'll wave under the assessor's nose.

I'm doing eBay, but if anyone can point me at any valuations that would support a '£10k or over' figure I'd be very grateful.

(Mine is 1980, petrol, everything completely rebuilt with genuine or oem parts two years ago onto a new Richards chassis, new soft top, the only thing not done was the bodywork because it was all straight and nicely faded).
And again
Best of luck.
Marvellous. I'd already had to explain how agreed value works, and have now explained the basics of third party cover in a short and sweet email.

Today I've almost had to ask for proof that the woman I was talking to actually worked for an insurance company - it was if the person working from home had taken their dog for a walk and let their Mum handle the calls.
Marvellous. I'd already had to explain how agreed value works, and have now explained the basics of third party cover in a short and sweet email.

Today I've almost had to ask for proof that the woman I was talking to actually worked for an insurance company - it was if the person working from home had taken their dog for a walk and let their Mum handle the calls.
Tell then you will be hiring a car NOW and see how high they jump. Especially if it is a Land rover.

@Stanleysteamer you beat me to it. @boguing here are more for up to date ref' pricing...if new chassis and genuinely in good condition proper market value is £13-£16k + +

Don't stand for any nonsense from the insurance company, they're all a bunch of charlatans!
Following an accident the other driver's insurer is sending an independent assessor to value my lightweight because their own chap reckoned it at less than the £7,700 repair bill, and so wanted to write it off. I had agreed value of £10k on it when I bought it, (and forgot to increase it after the full new chassis and rebuild).

Just in case this assessor is hard of thinking the repairer has suggested that I provide him with some evidence that he'll wave under the assessor's nose.

I'm doing eBay, but if anyone can point me at any valuations that would support a '£10k or over' figure I'd be very grateful.

(Mine is 1980, petrol, everything completely rebuilt with genuine or oem parts two years ago onto a new Richards chassis, new soft top, the only thing not done was the bodywork because it was all straight and nicely faded).
Don't be surprised if you have to involve a solicitor. They'll push it to the wire.
but they won't want to pay legal fees or hire car charges.
When it happened to me abroad, and I said they'd have to pay hire on a 4x4 for another 3 months as that was how long my holiday was booked for and I had a feck off big trailer to tow, they got sensible. They allowed a repairer to repair it with secondhand doors, a secondhand back axle, a new tyre and then a bit more fettling when I got it back to the UK.
Agreed value is deffo on your side and you could get an authority like the Lightweight Owners Club if there is one, or any Landy club, to provide a valuation too. Especially if you explain the circs to them.
When we had a similar problem with a Citroen Xantia, they got sensible when I showed them 3 adverts for ones at more than their valuation. the two i have given you, even if they are from the same vehicle, should help.
Best of luck mate.
Tell then you will be hiring a car NOW and see how high they jump. Especially if it is a Land rover.
You missed my posts in AG - I've got a Lexus 300 from them, the only 4wd Enterprise had a available. Plus... I've genuinely got a neck problem needing physio and exercises, and can't use a middle finger caused by the wheel being wrenched from my hand, and I gather those are worth a couple of pints. (This from someone who has normally just not bothered claiming for anything other than repair. Difference being that this was no accident, the old fool knew he shouldn't be driving, so it was just a matter of time).
You missed my posts in AG - I've got a Lexus 300 from them, the only 4wd Enterprise had a available. Plus... I've genuinely got a neck problem needing physio and exercises, and can't use a middle finger caused by the wheel being wrenched from my hand, and I gather those are worth a couple of pints. (This from someone who has normally just not bothered claiming for anything other than repair. Difference being that this was no accident, the old fool knew he shouldn't be driving, so it was just a matter of time).
Sorry mate, missed them, as you said.
Glad you've got a car.
I had whiplash once, pretty bad, a chiropractor sorted me out when physio etc didn't, but sorry to hear you have that as well. Hope the middle finger comes back on song.
Looks like you had Prince Phillips stand-in hit you.
You'll get there in the end but don't let them push you into a full and final settlement with the Chiro or whatever. I've had to have chiro ever since. Get a statement from the chiro estimating how much treatment you will need ongoing and a price for it all, and put that in the claim.
Thanks so much for those. Hopefully not needed, but now with the repairer who's on my side too. (Has to be, I keep bending cars for him to fix).

ps. Ian Taylor in Horley W Sussex if anyone wants a recommendation.

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