
Well-Known Member
Hi all,

Iv got a 2.0L, XDI Hippo, year 2000reg.

For a while now i have noticed that the gear changes are getting rather clonkey.

There seems to be a problem with getting into 2nd and reverse gears, the rest seem ok to me.

So if i was to change from 1st to second gear the gear change would be quite hard, almost like its not engaging proply into second gear. Also when going into reverse you often have to really push it into gear hard otherwise it just grinds the gears as its not proply engaged.

My first thaughts were that it could be a worn clutch, but the clutch control is lovely and smooth and it does not slip like a broken / worn clutch would do, so it doesnt sound like a clutch problem to me?

Is there a part of gearbox that engages the gears or something, like some bearings that could have worn causing the gears to not be engaged proply ?

My last dreaded thaghts are that it is the gear box ? :S :S

I can pick a good used gearbox on fleabay for £100 if its needed :D

I hope not tho.

Anyways, if anyone has any ideas of what this problem could be than please help me out.

Cheers guys :D
The symptoms you describe - particularly the reverse gear - would lead me to suspect worn synchromesh. A gearbox oil flush and change might help, but if it's significant wear, gearbox replacement will probably be the only solution in the longer term. Try disengaging 1st, releasing the clutch, blipping the throttle, pushing the clutch back in, then shifting into second. If that's OK, it's almost certainly going to be syncho issues.
The symptoms you describe - particularly the reverse gear - would lead me to suspect worn synchromesh. A gearbox oil flush and change might help, but if it's significant wear, gearbox replacement will probably be the only solution in the longer term. Try disengaging 1st, releasing the clutch, blipping the throttle, pushing the clutch back in, then shifting into second. If that's OK, it's almost certainly going to be syncho issues.

Thanks for ur reply,

That sounds just like the reason i am having this problem. Ile give the double clutch dip and throttle blipp a go and see if theres a difference.

The car has only done 58000 is this a common fault with the L series or is it just general wear and tear ??

I might get Landrover to give it the once over but there bound to say it needs a new gearbox, best as i might have got the clutch changed for no reason.

Cheers for your reply:)
As above, check the slave cylinder mounting too, I have a thread on 101 uses for cable ties ;)

Clutch arm going into bell housing can lock up,, if so, usually stiff for 1st and reverse.

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