
New Member
Just treated myself to a 2004 RR vogue- so wife went to sort out music!! loaded 3 music cd's into the sat nav in the boot- have tried to eject but just a whirring then nothing- any ideas- or wife will have to go!!!

bob is sulking!! This is mrs bob help- before I spend my christmas money in the LR garage getting it sorted- any sympathy for the wife??? I also got a parking ticket yesterday ( we only got the car the day before) I am on borrowed time- 2moro night I reckon I'm shot!!!!


bob is sulking!! This is mrs bob help- before I spend my christmas money in the LR garage getting it sorted- any sympathy for the wife??? I also got a parking ticket yesterday ( we only got the car the day before) I am on borrowed time- 2moro night I reckon I'm shot!!!!



:screaming_bug_eye_f :hysterically_laughi :hysterically_laughi

actually my second post was directed at Beast of Bodmin (B.o.B.) not known for his diplomatic replys :D :D
sorry i cant help with the problem i'm a technophobe too
try flutterin your eyelashes @ the land rover man or failing that try it on the old man :kiss: :dance:

there you go knew someone would come up with a suggestion to lower the tone .
i should register yourself on here then we wont get confussed whos posting ;-)
Well I would like say. "You just do this........" but I'm afraid it sound like the unit will need to be dismantled. I wouldn't take to a main stealer as they will charge you the earth or tell you that you'll have to have a replacement.
1.Read the instructions.
2.Post in the rangie section.
3.Dont ever-EVER touch the mans stereo again, he dont go touching your iron does he?
4.Try putting more cds in mabye the changer will only eject em when its full.
5.Give me the motor cos it ruined now.
6.Get the ky out.No, not like that maybe the changer needs greasing.
1.Read the instructions.
2.Post in the rangie section.
3.Dont ever-EVER touch the mans stereo again, he dont go touching your iron does he?
4.Try putting more cds in mabye the changer will only eject em when its full.
5.Give me the motor cos it ruined now.
6.Get the ky out.No, not like that maybe the changer needs greasing.

2. Definately post in the Rangie section.

3. All men should know how to iron :p

4. I dont think its a Cd changer. I think its a slot loading satnav.
if you have put 3 cd's in a single disk machine then its obviously faulty to begin with. or wifey rammed them in like my kid used to when she was 4!

remove it from car, strip it down and try to eject disks with a pair of pliers!

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