Chris Jones

New Member
I have a 1996 V8i es Disco, just came home from a short run (around 18 miles) and have found a leak. It seems to be water (clear, though with a slight yellowish tinge, and with no smell) and is coming from a strange location. On the underside (inside) of the transmission tunnel, drivers side, above the front drive shaft, roughly in-line with the front of the drivers door, there is what looks like a small rubber grommet, which is attached to a very short piece of pipe that disappears into the vehicles interior (or thats how it looks). The car has air-con, which was on for the duration of the journey (at full belt for a while), that has been working without trouble since I brought it.

Could this be coolant from the heater matrix/air-con?

Too early to be checking the coolant level, though the leak has steadily diminished from a near trickle to a slow drip.

Anyone got any ideas at all???

Cheers for any thoughts,

Hi if you have had the air con on full belt then you will get water dripping from under the vehicle.

Air con works by drying the air in the cabin and transfering it to the outside (ie underneath) ((Thats the very basic description of air con))

I would try it without the air con on and see if the leak stops

Thanks Charlotte,

I was hoping it was the condensation from the exchanger but thought I'd better get some feedback from others before I dismissed it as being unworthy of panic!!! Given the temperature here today (+30c), coupled with the fact that this was the first time I've had the aircon going full tilt, I reckon It'll be the condensation. Given the weather forecast I think it could be a few days yet before I run stu WITHOUT the aircon ;-)


Steady 95+ in Texas. So, the air con is full tilt every minute while in the car. I have taken palse on several occasions because of water leaking. There is so much condensation coming out, sometimes it is hard to believe it is benign. So far, that is all it is.

Another thing, not sure where your washer tank is but I developed a leak from the connection and water dripped (poured) all over the garage. Yeah, that blue additive/ window cleaner looks green on the floor in the morning. What a scare!
Ha, ha!!! Yeah, I had the same leak around 2 months ago. Realised I had no fluid in the washer reservoir so started filling it up, only to watch it pour out all over the floor!!! And how difficult is it to get to that joint behind the reservoir? Good job my girlfriend was a mechanic who is still not afraid to get her (smaller than mine are so they fit in the gap) hands dirty...



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