
Well-Known Member
Decided to move some fallen trees this morning, but have become beached on an un-seen tree-stump.
My mate has gone to get some tools and bits, but I was wondering if there's anyone local who wants to come and help/point/laugh.

Photo's will be forth-coming later.
I'm gonna text MHM now, and see what he says.
Decided to move some fallen trees this morning, but have become beached on an un-seen tree-stump.
My mate has gone to get some tools and bits, but I was wondering if there's anyone local who wants to come and help/point/laugh.

Photo's will be forth-coming later.
I'm gonna text MHM now, and see what he says.
could you give us some sort of vague idea where you are?
Sorry mate I'm at my sisters near gatwick at the moment or I could have helped. I'll be back later in the afternoon of you still need some help then. Let me know.
Just out of my area, but will be able to help if needed, but it will take about 90 mins to get there.
No idea, but he whined at not being called out last time..... So any LZIR from the borders to Italy.... Wlm will be called :).
Right, I'm home...

What had happened was, the Landy had got stuck on a big fallen tree-branch, then had slid onto another big branch which had a large "up-right" bit. This "up-right" bit got itself in-between the rear of the front diff, and the sump...The result was I could move neither forward nor backwards.

Phil, my mate, went off with my Mrs to get some tools and a jack and stuff. As he was coming out of his house, another of his friends was going past in their Disco...

Phil roped them in to help.

We jacked up the front of my Landy, and placed logs under the front wheels to clear the "up-right" and gently towed it out back-wards.

Piccies to follow later, when I've had my lunch.
Forgot to add...

Thank you, to all of those who offered to help, and MHM for his quick replies to my texts.:eek::eek::D:D:banana::doh::clap2::clap2::tea::tea:
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The Offending Bit of tree. The braken was up to the level of the bonnet, and in the picks, has been flattened by me and Phil trying to get me out!
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That was my first thought.

I first phoned my tree-surgeon friend, who also has 110 with a winch, but hes was at his parents for lunch.
do yu have license?

nope just me own machine for personal use not site work or anything since they brought the lisence thingy in during the 90s but used to use it day in and day out before that lot :(:(

keep it as a seuvanier from me loft conversion days more than anything now coz it were fookin mint fer fettling beams and purlins and joggling hip and valley rafters anything with restricted acess really ;);)

how hard is it to get a lisence as a matter of interest :confused::confused:

having said that i bet me kevlar trollies dont fit anymore :cool::cool:

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