
New Member
Hi all!

Sorry if this has been posted already, I have searched but am terrible on Forums ;(

I have a 2007 Freelander 2 and have a knocking noise coming from my offside rear. Sounds similar to the rear differential video on youtube however have noticed some oil at the bottom of one of my suspension arms (I believe but could be wrong).

Can anyone give me an idea of what it is please? Hopefully this pic will help.

Thank you and apologies again
Spring might have failed causing an uneven reaction when riding over UK potholes. Has your kidnapped victim complain by tapping there.o_O:D
Shhh. My Kidnapped victim can't speak :)

So I need to replace the rear Spring in your opinion? I'm surprised it got through the recent MOT with that....
You can check by sitting in the tailgate area and move the kidnapped victim over, then bounce up and down. Listen for any graunching from the spring or look for more oil seepage on the coil or on the ground.. Cost wise reasonable to replace as you have a kidnapped victim family to con off.:D
Great, thank you. Will check it out shortly.
I'll add that to the differential that I'm sure needs replacing too ;(
Still, on a plus side, tailgate catch has been replaced. Hurah!

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