
New Member
Hey every1 noticed recently my disco has started to become really loud, it's fine on tick over and when revved freely but when I'm driving its sound like a tractor like a knocking noise, can hear it when accelerating but can hear it even louder when travelling at constant speed say just cruising at 40, I've done a search an read alsorts of different things just wondered if any1 could pinpoint a common problem or had Similar experience, I don't want to carry on driving It If it's causing even more damage, oh also it quietness down after about half an hours worth of driving but not by much, cheers
Hey every1 noticed recently my disco has started to become really loud, it's fine on tick over and when revved freely but when I'm driving its sound like a tractor like a knocking noise, can hear it when accelerating but can hear it even louder when travelling at constant speed say just cruising at 40, I've done a search an read alsorts of different things just wondered if any1 could pinpoint a common problem or had Similar experience, I don't want to carry on driving It If it's causing even more damage, oh also it quietness down after about half an hours worth of driving but not by much, cheers

Does the noise increase as road speed increases? I.e is it linked to speed or revs?
Sorry guys noise is coming from the actual engine, the noise goes when accelerate but when it's held at a constant speed it comes back
Absolute shot in the dark without seeing, hearing the engine but it sounds bit like piston slap, that's why its not as bad when accelerating as theirs more pressure to hold pistons frm slapping... like say complete guess unless u fancy uploading a short video to help us diagnose? ?

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