
Space man
Anyone local who could pop over and give me a hand to sort out the timing on my 2.25 diesel ? I know bugger all about timing up an oil burner :rolleyes::eek:
just pump timimng or full including chain replacement,the latter has to be precise and exhaust peak found with a dti can give you complete instructions
id love to know about this just the pump timing bit as ive just bought a series with the same antics :5bbigear::5blurk5:
Just had a look in the haynes book of lies and tiz a bit looks like I can loosen orf the injector pump and move it ?
Yup bit like a dizzy on a petrol but slack yer pipes off fust.If yer get bored pull the pump out an gerra big round file to yer grooves,yer can advance it to fook then:D
but chances are its chain an pulleys fooked:(
Yup bit like a dizzy on a petrol but slack yer pipes off fust.If yer get bored pull the pump out an gerra big round file to yer grooves,yer can advance it to fook then:D
but chances are its chain an pulleys fooked:(
cheers dripper :D:D:D

lots of smoke on tickover so gotta do somethink :eek::D
cam timing when replacing chain needs to be exact ,you need a dti and a home made pointer but easily doable ,but if your just doing pump timing ,remove rear plate on timing hole in flywheel housing,turn engine over till ,pump timing marks come around 13 degrees before tdc on compression stroke no 1,if you remove pump and drive shaft master spline in skew gear should be 20 degrees from front most pump securing stud away from engine,a special tool is used to align timing pointer to mark on tool, pump can then be fitted back on and aligned mark on bottom flange of pump and pointer
cam timing when replacing chain needs to be exact ,you need a dti and a home made pointer but easily doable ,but if your just doing pump timing ,remove rear plate on timing hole in flywheel housing,turn engine over till ,pump timing marks come around 13 degrees before tdc on compression stroke no 1,if you remove pump and drive shaft master spline in skew gear should be 20 degrees from front most pump securing stud away from engine,a special tool is used to align timing pointer to mark on tool, pump can then be fitted back on and aligned mark on bottom flange of pump and pointer
so when are you holidaying down this way ? :D:D
what day is salis sat? you can mark pump were it is now ,and turn clockwise to advance it a little ,trail and error ,needs injector pipes undoing first

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