Hi everybody. I'm new here and have a question! I have an 56 Range Rover vogue which has been problem free since I've owned it. Now I have a problem and wondered if any of you guys could help me out? The problem is the srs airbag light is on, here's how my problem panned out. Firstly in November last year was driving it with no problems then got out went to the shop and got back in the key wouldn't turn in the ignition wouldn't move nothing. Phoned a few people who are clued up but all give me different answers, so I phoned my local garage and he said sounds like a flat battery. He came up with a jump starter and it started first turn of the key. No problems there. Second time was in April. I was at a car boot sale and was there for a while browsing around and the kids wanted to sit in the car so I let them,but then when I came back to car put the key inignition and the car turned over but not enough to start it, so I found somebody with some jump leads and got it going after a couple of cranks. I noticed that the red srs airbag thing had come on but didn't really take much notice and thought I'll get it reset when I get a service in the next couple of weeks, I have now had it serviced and asked him to turn the srs light off which he did but came straight back on. He then did diagnostics which were all clear apart from the srs thing which said something about low voltage. The car starts and drives fine but is not used everyday probably 3-4 times per week. Can anybody shed any light on what might be the problem? Kind regards.

posted the link in here as well for u on the diagnostic one i bought


u can get it for around 400 quid and use it via ur ipad

the guys on here are extremely experienced and helpful and may use all other kinds of diagnostics

hope u get ur srs issue resolved as i know they can be a right pain
There is a thread on here somewhere about SRS on constantly. Can't remember who it was by, but a quick search should find it. I do vaguely remember Datatek saying something about it possibly being a hard fault.
Also would suggest checking voltage on battery, as it has failed before. These are tempermental beasts and whilst you might have power to start her, you might be just low enough for her not to be happy elsewhere.
Could be as simple as a loose connection under one of the front seats,BUT let the car sit with no ignition on for half an hour before playing with them..
Hi I have had the battery checked at Kwik fit it came back as good at 84% and the alternator was spot on too. I have checked the srs fuse that's fine, I have meddled with the connectors under the seats and no change there! Light still on, I will have a look for the post you mention, cheers.
Hi gstuart thanks for that but I think it's way out of my price range and my capapability I'm a bit of a numpty with things like that, I only knew there was a Range Rover section when you told me lol. It took me ages to figure out how to post a bloody message when I first joined. I think I'll leave the techi stuff to you pro's. Cheers.
Normally, most abs/srs faults are hard faults so even if you've fixed the issue they may have to be cleared with diagnostic kit.
84% doesn't sound good to me.......a Range Rover as complex as the L322 needs the most efficient and powerful battery you can fit in the space available.....if Alternator output is good, a dying battery will drag the system voltage down regardless of what the alternator is throwing out....

The first rule of Range Rover diagnosis is a perfect, strong battery....else you can chase tails all day.

As above most SRS faults are hard faults and will require diagnostics to clear.

I am not sure, but if the L322 has a 'seat occupancy' sensor, if this is faulty it can bring up the SRS light - I know it does in the BMW's the L322 is based on (The E38, E39 and E53)....Might have to check RAVE on that one!
Hi, I understand what your saying but it only started after the second jump start. It was fine when we stopped no lights etc... but the guy brought some jump leads and he connected it up to another car and started it that way he took the leads off and the light came on so I'm not convinced that it's something to do with a sensor on the seats or wherever they are located. When I had the service done he reset it but when I collected the car I started it and the light came back on I told him this and he got his diagnostic machine out and reset it again and it came back on with something saying about low voltage but didn't know what it meant? So now I'm wondering whether to have the diagnostics done again for approx £30-40 or to get an auto electrician to see whether he can diagnose the fault. Any suggestions? Cheers.
First suggestion would be to get your own diagnostic kit. Sounds like it would pay for itself very quickly.
Does sound like either a weary battery or bad connection.
The fact is, you jumped it from a good battery and when said good battery was disconnected the fault came up. That would suggest that the alternator hadn't got the voltage up by that point.
Another member on here has been chasing a fault on his p38 for weeks and it turned out to be a bad earth connection to the alternator.
If the jump was not done on the correct electrical pick up points under the bonnet, this can cause spurious issues.

If it was done directly to the battery, it could have disturbed the pyro-charge on the battery positive terminal.

The fact it came back on after the jump was disconnected, and also the fault logged indicates low voltage, would suggest it could be a low voltage issue has triggered something in the SRS ECU....these items are a one shot device - if the vehicle has been in a crash, the ECU will permentantly show an SRS fault even if you fix the rest of the car like new....the ECU will continue to show a fault and will not reset.

Now, if an electrical spike has gone through to the SRS ECU through a bad jump, or other such electrical spikes (the L322 is a tempermental girl and demands things to be just-so) then it *could* be the SRS ECU has triggered and now will not reset.

Get it to someone who can use the diagnostics correctly and KNOWS what each fault means - as you say above, he didn't know what the fault was telling him....
Sometimes when the system is a little upset it throws an airbag light on, or restricts the air suspension.

If you're lucky, just get some diagnostics plugged in & reset, & fingers crossed.
Hi guys, thanks for the info I'm gonna back to my garage who originally did the diagnostics and see exactly what the code was and will post on here, he's a sound guy and probably may not charge me for it (hopefully) took my cars to him for years for work and services, but he's an all rounder so fixes all cars but if I can get the code then hopefully you guys can point me in the right direction! I am debating whether to get an auto electrician up to diagnose the fault if maybe it's a loose connection somewhere. Or can anybody recommend anybody who can do both the reset and fix it I'm in Blackburn lancs. cheers.
Without meaning to sound rude, why don't you bite the bullet and do what needs to be done. A battery reading of 84% , as stated by the illustrious and knowledgeable @Saint.V8 , is not good when relating to an L322. So that needs attending to. Also you have been told six times, in one thread, by people who are trying to help you , you need someone who knows how to read/use/understand the diagnostics. So why not just do it?
There is a Regional Landyzoners thread you could take a look in, to see if there is someone near you.
Sits back and awaits incoming :cool:
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I know I have to bite the bullet somewhere along the line but to spend £150 plus on a battery and then another £60 on diagnostics is a bit of a turn off for me I'm not usually that lucky. Then to be told it's not the battery and the srs light is still on! That is why I am trying to gather as much info as possible on my problem, before I do bite the bullet. Thank you for all the advice but one thing is still a bit of a puzzler to me, why is 84% not a good reading on a battery? Please don't shout at me I'm new here and very inquisitive and I suppose I am a bit thick but I am human after all.
Hi just had a look and it's just under £130 delivered so a saving of £20 so far. Cheers, will order one very soon I think.
In answer to your question, as I said above , the L322 is a tempermental girl. She will throw a hissy fit if things aren't just so. That includes the voltage she is given from the battery and is the root of many ills. With this in mind be sure you are buying the correct battery for the Vogue.

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