
Well-Known Member
Hi lads,

Been a long time since ive been on here and things had been going along nicely!! bought a nice new 110 crew cab as my daily runner so the range rover is doing less these days

problem was her in doors was driving it last week when the drive belt snapped on the main street, got it shipped home and stripped it down, got the old bits of belt taken out and then went to put it all back together when i sheered off the (big allen key mount) part of the belt tensioner, (its just the cover but something tells me that wont be safe if i dont do something. so what do i do??

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Why did you touch that? If the tensioner arm can be pulled off looks like it can.You will need STC2126. Boss. STC2127. Cap. And maybe STC4608. Tensioner arm if you have to beast it off.
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cause im an idiot!!!!

It's not going to fall off without the cap on. It is held more or less in line by tensioner piston itself. But you may need the bits i mentioned. Boss and Cap at least, if you can't get what remains of cap out of boss.
Just put the cap to the boss and managed to thred out the inside. So just new boss and cap and im good. Thanks for your help
Maybe a flat chisel and tap it in several places as aluminium tends to bind up.
good luck to you if you have to take the tensioner ram off the top they are a pig to get back on :screaming_bug_eye_f
had to google that one never heard of a full crumb thought it was summit you cooked with :d:d:d:d:d

FULCRUM> The point about which a lever pivots. Something like the tensioner arm makes a pretty good one. Or if you wanted to get really technical you could slacken the L/H bolt on the top bracket and remove the other. Fit ram and push down on braket then push R/H bolt back in. :D:D

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