Mole HD

Decided to head to the local shop on the island today, as we were leaving the house the phone rang so I went back to answer it. Since we never lock anything on the crime and all wife jumped into the disco to wait for me (I had the keys in my pocket) it's never been locked or alarmed in the week I've had it sitting in the yard although I do remove the keys out of habit. As I jumped in, inserted the key and tried to start it, it point blank refused to fire was fine last night with no issues.

After a began to dawn on me that my wife getting into the disco with no key in the ignition has set off the motion detector thingies and that has armed the immobiliser, it didn't set off the alarm though...anyway, I tried arming and disarming the alarm a few times but still no joy getting the thing to fire up. It's second hand, no EKA code and only one key.

It might be me pressing the arm/disarm buttons wrongly or just not doing something I should...but I really need to get this thing started. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated :)
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Disco 2 TD5?
Try getting every one out of the Disco, shutting the door then locking it with the key. (anticlockwise.) You should hear all the locks click down. Take the key out, then press the button nearest the metal key on the fob twice not too quickly, that will open all the door locks. Hopefully.
Then get in the car and start it. Straight away. The red warning light in the lower centre of the dash must not be flashing. If you delay and it starts flashing just push the same button on the fob again, if it doesn't start.
If that doesn't work, get back to us. ;)
So is it cranking and not starting or not cranking at all?
It was cranking fine...which threw me a bit. Then I took off the 'just eaten a bacon roll head of contentment' and put my fitter's hat back on... cranked it over whilst flooring the accelerator pedal a few times and it struggled into life. Low pressure fuel pump issue rather than the immobiliser from hell. The poor dear hasn't been looked after too well with it's previous owner, he rarely took a spanner or fluids to it and it had been lying in a shed since it's MOT in February. I must have frightened the poor thing a bit bouncing over my bottom field last night checking on the cows.

Living on an island with a population of less than 500 where nobody locks anything can have it's moments 06 Freelander has been sitting in the yard for the last 6 years with the keys in it...never had any issue with that arming itself, throwing claymores and flames from under the footboards or anything...I was just suspicious of having a Disco that hasn't been looked after too well as well as having a few rolls of purple wiring attached to stuff I haven't traced yet...that and a head full of EKA codes I didn't have. We live and learn.

Anyway, apologies for the panic...I'll do a 24k service on it tomorrow and see if the overly noisy low pressure fuel pump needs changing when I'm at it :)
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Disco 2 TD5?
Try getting every one out of the Disco, shutting the door then locking it with the key. (anticlockwise.) You should hear all the locks click down. Take the key out, then press the button nearest the metal key on the fob twice not too quickly, that will open all the door locks. Hopefully.
Then get in the car and start it. Straight away. The red warning light in the lower centre of the dash must not be flashing. If you delay and it starts flashing just push the same button on the fob again, if it doesn't start.
If that doesn't work, get back to us. ;)
Misses has just messaged (I'm at work minus the disco) she can't start up immobilizer light solid red won't clear even when button pressed on either key. Keys light up so no issue with the keys going to try what you said and hopefully it'll start
Sounds more like a flat batt to me but then I'm not the expert on all this!
Tell her to shove her foot flat to the floor like what you did!!
(You've prolly done that though.)
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The problem that I am talking about is when the electronix bits in the key don't get picked up by the sensor in the ignition lock, so a bit of a red herring here.
Try getting every one out of the Disco, shutting the door then locking it with the key. (anticlockwise.) You should hear all the locks click down. Take the key out, then press the button nearest the metal key on the fob twice not too quickly, that will open all the door locks. Hopefully.
Then get in the car and start it. Straight away.
while you are doing that ^^^^ "trick" say "Hocus pocus" once and "Abra Cadabra" twice then all the logic of it will be fullfilled :D ... sorry, i couldn't help myself:rolleyes:
while you are doing that ^^^^ "trick" say "Hocus pocus" once and "Abra Cadabra" twice then all the logic of it will be fullfilled :D ... sorry, i couldn't help myself:rolleyes:
Well I must be Merlin, cos it starts my disco all the time.:D:D:D

Should explain, I have two keys on my ring, one with the electronix in and tother with the key that turns the ignition barrel but an empty fob.
Even though the electronix is near the ignition barrel it isn't near enough to turn off the immobiliser, so I have to do this rigmarole every time. The fob with the electronix in it has a blank key.
If I knew how to video it and put it up here, I might cos it is fun.:D:D:D
And if someone nicked my keys they may well not be able to start the truck!!;)
Well it worked the 1st time then I decided to head down to the field and sort the animals. Got back to the disco and it's not having any of it, might try the 2 key idea though!

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