
New Member
my mate just fitted a new transfer box for me, i used to drive round with the diff gear stick to the right and down thats the way it was when i bought it, when i used to go up an down hill diff was across to the left and up, since he's changed it its all gone to **** diff is to the left and down and its driving normally when diff should be engaged to the left and up **** nows what he has done any advice welcome
first bit of advice would be STOP driving it on tarmac until its sorted, or you will be replacing your diffs very soon if the CDL is engaged. Only solution is pull the console apart again and fix it correctly.
low range diff is up - then left, not the other way

low range is up with the leaver

high diff is bottom then left

high free wheel is bottom right (normal driving)
if he has put the same type transfer box in then its just the linkages have been mixed up . i think its the one that goes next to the unit with too wires that shows your diff is engaged . check on the selector (box side) not lever side there is a "u" shaped link it may have fliped around so instead of pushing it pulls this might be the problem . hope i haven confused you more its the best i could do to explain what i mean
thanks i just spoke to him he said one of the linkage bars was a little bit bent but he straightend it im going to buy a new 1 tomorow would that cause it though i wouldnt of thought so. all the gears are the wrong way round as if he's put it in wrong, is there many things he could of got mixed up
firstly, diff is left not up or down just pushing to the left will engage difflock. Forwards is low range & Back (towards rear of vehicle) is high range. So in effect you have 6 positions.

Forwards & left Difflock on & Low Range
Forwards & right Difflock off & Low Range
centre & left difflock on transfer box in neutral
centre & right Difflock off transfer box in neutral
Back & left Difflock on & High Range
Back & Right Difflock off & High Range

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