
New Member
I've had my Series IIa 88 for about 3 years now. As all of you, I love it!

My question:

I was crossing a local street and went to upshift into 2nd gear and nothing was there! No grinding, no shuddering, no nothing (and certainly no gear) - 2nd gear had just disappeared. The rest of the tranny is fine. 2nd is also missing in low range.

My mechanic drained the tranny and found no teeth or even filings.

A local guru says that sometimes the star nut on the mainshaft comes loose and 2nd gear slips out of alignment. Anyone ever heard that? Any other ideas on what may have happened and how to fix it most cheaply?

Absolutely no idea me ol' mate. I've been scratching me head so much I've got splinters in me finger! Can we assume you had 2nd gear up to now? Wait til yer man Slob sees this - his mechanic will know what's up. :cool:
g'day i'v spoken to her with the airjacks and she says to check that the selector mechamism is ok .i.e the bits beneath the gearstick and above the gears. you can do this by removing the cover from the top of the box. you may have a broken interlock device. ..check the easy stuff first before you go ripping yer box out.

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