
New Member
I have a ordance survey map orange scale 1:25 000 and im marking green lanes on it am i wright in saying that the byway open to all traffic (green cross line) is a definite lane and restricted byway (green line with half a cross) is a may but check with highways ? And green dot on its own is a may be as well ? What else is there to look out for on these maps cheers
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Nothing on an O/S map is definate and needs to be checked with Rights of Way officer. Read the stickies at the top of this section
As BB said. Absolutely nothing is definite.

You cant just look at a map and say oh look there they are ill go driving. You need to call or email the ROW officer and ask if there is any restrictions. And they can change daily, you cant just assume that its ok to go driving.

As was said, check the sticky threads at the top of the page.

Were not going to give you the info im afraid, no offence intended. :)

Enjoy. :)

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