
New Member
OK I'm sure that many of you get very bored with this type of request but I am looking to move into the Land Rover thing and out of the Alfa Romeo thing; they're a nightmare to work on, always break down and slowly turn to rust but are gorgeous.

However, Ive had a couple of newer Landies and want to get a 88" Series 3 and I am currently looking at this one - it seems expensive at £4500. I don't mind spending that kind of money if it's what a good example costs.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Oh and finally - Hello to you all, this really is a well run Landie site
Hello Ashoofack, I dont think anyone on here gets bored you'll find allsorts of info here and I reckon you're gonna enjoy it. As far as the series 3 goes its one hell of a lot of money being asked for it. I've had a look at the spec and for that kind of money I would expect a reputable rebuild job on a new chassis. Remember its nearly 28 years old with no mention of chassis care in the spec.
Not my decision though old bean but be vigilant in your search and good luck.

Regards WP
Thanks for that WP. The company seem to do complete rebuilds too. Can you, or anyone else, recommend a reputable company with a web site. Problem is I live in Germany and will have to do most of my research on-line. Then once I have bought a Series 3 it will have to drive me all the way back, hopefully trouble free.

Thanks again:)
Hi Ashoofack.
From all I've seen for sale in the magazines & the buyers guide articles I've read you should pick up a pretty immaculate III for around £3500 tops. I'd want pretty much concourse condition for £4500. They may be charging a premuim as it's a less common Landy. I can see that living outside the UK could be a problem. Have you Land Rover clubs over there. You may be able to pick up a good example closer to home by asking around a club, maybe left hand drive into the bargain.

I know a bloke in Koblenz who's Landy mad so there must be others over there. Even if you buy from a garage over here & get a warranty, it isn't going to count for much if your in Germany!

Hi Marcus,

Yes there are landie nuts over here, however, they tend to go for 90's. So any Series ones about go for top dollar and generally don't even make it on to the open market.

As an alternative can anyone recommend a garage that will re-work a half decent Series for a reasonable price. i.e. less than the one I'm looking at.

Cheers all for the quick replies

Well Ashoofack.

It's certainly a V.pretty Landy & not the most common III. Later model than the other, looks immaculate & not knobbed around with from the pics, looks cared for & they can prove the mileage.

Gotta say, if I was in the market for a top dollar III I'd at least make some more enquiries. Just a thought, if they do servicing as well as sales & have a lift you could always ask them to put it on it & ask them to take some pics of the underside too.

To be honest, if the German Series Landy market is as you say, you're not going to lose on it & if it does need any work I'd say that A/ You'll enjoy it & B/ You'd probably still recover your money if you offloaded it (which from your obvious enthusiasm, I doubt would be on the cards!)

Far be it from me to spend your money for you, but it looks a better bet than the other one. Shame it's not nearer or I'd go and have a shufty for you. Anyone else around Maidstone?

Not far to the ferry anyways!


Oh, I'd bet they've taken it as a part ex too so there may be more room for negotiation as it probably doesn't owe them much! No harm in asking them what the story is.
Thanks Marcus,

The whole search thing seems to be taking over my free time at the moment. I can't believe how hard it is to get my hands on a good un! I thought that over a million of these were made and over 70% are still on the road; where are they????

I've asked both dealers if they would be happy for the vehicles to be inspected by the RAC (does anyone know if these inspections are worth £260?) Hopefully this will put any shisters off.

On Inspections does any know a good, knowledgable trustworthy and self employed, mechanic who would be prepared to inspect in the Adlington, Lancs. [Chorley] or Maidstone areas. If so I would rather pay them than the RAC.

Thanks again for the help, I'm determined to find a good one before Christmas.


I should of added that one of the reasons that Series Rovers are hard to get over here is that they are left hand drive. As I intend to get one and keep it for some time this is not a good option.

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