O Bife

Active Member
Hi all,
Dare say this has been bought up elsewhere on this forum, but my head isn't with it at the mo! You'll see why in a sec!

I locked up our Range Rover (1999 P38) with the handset last night and all was well. But, when I went to open her up this lunch time nothing happened!?

I then opened her up with the key in the driver's door lock and although I managed to get inside she didn't want to know when I tried to start her up. The dash info thingie just kept asking me to either press the unlock or try the EKA. We then thought it could be something to do with the handset's battries, so we put new ones in and tried agian to get here started. No luck.

I then procceeded to go through the EKA proccess which the local Land Rover dealer had given us, but still no good.

Does anyone have an idea on how to resolve this SLIGHT problem PLEASE!!!!!

Phil "O Bife"
Cheers BigsToo,

Going to give it a try in 5, will let you know how I get on.


Phil "O Bife":cool:
Well, I gave all that ago, but :confused: :( still no joy! I'm really at a loss with what to do. The local LR dealer has told me that it's going to take about 10 days for a new handset to be sent here from the UK. I'm just worried if the new one doesn't want to work.

I have a funny feeling that the problem hasn't started through lack of power/batteries in the handset, the dash info thingie didn't show any message saying the batteries were low. When I changed the batteries for new one I took less than 1/2 a minute from opening to re-closing. If that is the case and it isn't the handset what else could it be???????????

Phil "O Bife"
Hi i take it from reading this link you have tried to resynchronise your key by going to lock and press the lock button then go to unlock and press the unlock button,does your indicators flash when you start the eka process,turning the key that is, has your battery on your car gone flat at all for any period of time? when you insert key after eka code does it say press hand set unlock button,you could always try and disconect the vehicles battery and leave disconected at least 20 mins then touch both negative and posotive terminals toegether to discharge the car circuits reconect battery and try again doing resync on keys 1st see what happens keep me posted all the best tiga,the engine ecm can loose sync with becm and imobilisation but this does not happen much and you normally get the car unlocked and locked on the keys.
Hi Tiga,

Thanks for that, will be doing the battery thingie in the morning.

Yes, after the lock then press, unlock then press and all the EKA bits the dash thingie tells me that the engine is imobilized and to press the unlock button or enter code. All this time the alarm systems little red flashing light is blinking at me.

Just one bit I haven't mentioned in this thread, although I unlock the door with the key to let me into the RR the alarm sounds twice when I open the door and again twice when I close it, not when I unlock or lock, just when I open and close. Does that help with a diognostic?! (The alarm did go off full pelt twice during the day when I open the door and just before I managed to change the handset's batteries, but then reverted to just the two soundings).

Anyway, will try again in the morning.

There is an ironic twist to all this though. The RR is parked right across the street from where we live and it's within a parking meter area. Now normally the local cops are rather trigger happy when it comes to dishing out parking tickets. The funny thing is, as I was feeding the bloody ticket machine (RIGHT NEXT TO WHERE THE RR IS PARKED!) a cop walks up to me a tell me not to bother with getting a ticket for me car as they are on bloody strike for a week as from today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There's always a positive side to a bad thing, isn't there.

Right, off for now,


Phil "O Bife"
Hi again,

I have just been wondering if the following bit of info could be relevant: When I use the key to open the door in the conventional way, only the drivers door un-locks! Shouldn't all the doors un-lock?

Phil "O Bife"

In the end I got in touch with a Gary Button who works for some company called Marshalls which deals with Land Rover over in the UK. Well, he told me to do as per manual plus something which I hadn't read (Or I didn't realise) which is like this:

1) Insert Key into driver's door & turn key 4 times to the locked position
2) Turn key to the unlock position W times
3) Turn key to the lock position X times
4) Turn key to the unlock position Y times
5) Turn key to the lock position Z times
6) Turn key to the unlock position pressing the unlock button at the same time once.

Well that got me in and the engine started, but only after stopping and starting the engine 3 times did the handset come back to life. The proccess of pressing the unlock button then unlocking with the key and/or pressing the lock button then locking didn't seem to do anything. Although I'm chuffed as nuts that all seems to be working all right now I can't help but think that I'm still not to sure what did sort it in the end, if you get my drift.

Cheers for all your help,

Phil "O Bife"

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