
New Member
As above, just done the release cable and had to move the latch forward as my hands are to big to get in, now the latch will not latch on to the S plate, can move it and the dash beeps but it don't click just feels loose. Thanks
As above, just done the release cable and had to move the latch forward as my hands are to big to get in, now the latch will not latch on to the S plate, can move it and the dash beeps but it don't click just feels loose. Thanks

Do it again, this time do it properly.
Now thats very Helpfull Tony, its done properly, i did think the cable could be tight stopping the latch locking but it works fine, no rods off nothings droped off, just the bloody latch dont lock on now so a negative comment really helps. :p
Piccys of the striker? I've never seen a rangie one before but I may have an inkling as to why the door won't latch properly
You have to forgive wammers he is an ignorant man

Who the hell are you, you prick? Job not done correctly or it would work. If your so clever YOU tell him what he has done wrong from where you are sat smart arse.
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Who the hell are you, you prick? Job not done correctly or it would work. If your so clever YOU tell him what he has done wrong from where you are sat smart arse.
You do have a point :confused: who's the noob that seems to know you so well.
Wish i could tell you all more, but cant, worked fine this morning, put new cable on and now it dont, im thinking the same as Wammers that ive done something wrong but cant think wot i could be. :mad: gona take it off tommorow and have a good look at it.:confused::confused::confused:
Now thats very Helpfull Tony, its done properly, i did think the cable could be tight stopping the latch locking but it works fine, no rods off nothings droped off, just the bloody latch dont lock on now so a negative comment really helps. :p

Nothing negative about it, if it was done correctly it would work. Have a brew and a think about that helpful answer. :D:D
The other poster asked a question about his EGR valve, got the only answer to his question there was, he got all uptight about it. Asked why there are two connections on his P38 EGR valve. Was told it was the early type BMW valve NOT fitted to the P38. Which was basically the only answer that could be given. And pretty easy to understand i would have thought. But went into a flat spin about it. Funny old world sometimes.
Well sorted it, sat down with a brew and a fag getting ****ed off for five mins about to kick it in with me size 14 boots, thought sod it will take it out now, so went to slacken the three torks screws off and they felt tight so backed em off a bit and works fine now, thanks for the replys and Yes Wammer you were right, woz me been to heavy handed. :smash: :D
hairy it needs a sasanach with ladies hands so thin and soft ,, not much like wammers at all :D:D:D:D:D
glad your sorted . cheers mozz:);)
Do it again, this time do it properly.

You have to forgive wammers he is an ignorant man

Well sorted it, sat down with a brew and a fag getting ****ed off for five mins about to kick it in with me size 14 boots, thought sod it will take it out now, so went to slacken the three torks screws off and they felt tight so backed em off a bit and works fine now, thanks for the replys and Yes Wammer you were right, woz me been to heavy handed. :smash: :D
So tarphenry.....what was ignorant and wrong about Wammers advice...cos he was clearly correct.....maybe it is indeed you who is ignorant!

Next time, it would be best to keep your ill-informed and insolent comments to yourself.

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