Hi folks, bought a td5 disco just over a week ago, radiator burst, so I've just replaced it. Bled it as the Rave manual said, had heaters, radiators hoses all hot, radiators itself hot. Steady nice flow with no bubbles out the bleed screw, It went up to temp after sitting at quarter on gauge for ages.

So took it a drive. Soon as drive it drops right back down to quarter on gauge again, then eventually I assume the thermostat opens again, and away back up to half way it goes.

So rebled, tryed again, exactly the same, hot radiator, hot hoses, hot heaters but temp gauge going from quarter to middle, back to quarter then up to half again over and over.

Sitting in it now at idle, was up at temp, now back down at quarter!

Any suggestions?

Hi folks, bought a td5 disco just over a week ago, radiator burst, so I've just replaced it. Bled it as the Rave manual said, had heaters, radiators hoses all hot, radiators itself hot. Steady nice flow with no bubbles out the bleed screw, It went up to temp after sitting at quarter on gauge for ages.

So took it a drive. Soon as drive it drops right back down to quarter on gauge again, then eventually I assume the thermostat opens again, and away back up to half way it goes.

So rebled, tryed again, exactly the same, hot radiator, hot hoses, hot heaters but temp gauge going from quarter to middle, back to quarter then up to half again over and over.

Sitting in it now at idle, was up at temp, now back down at quarter!

Any suggestions?

I always thought an air lock would give me a sky high temp gauge and heaters not working etc. Everything seems to work as it should. Just temp gauge going up and down. Driving me nuts lol.
Had another play around, rebled again, still the same, temp gauge sits in middle for a few moments, then drops of when driving at low speeds, then goes back up. And so on, would a thermostat stuck open possibly be the cause? I replaced it when I was doing radiator, and it was perfect before.
could be temp gauge is at fault or temp sensor for the cost and time it will take you could try a new thermostat

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