New Member
Put by sunday afternoon to have a look at drivers door lock as it went pop the other day.
Got a new spring off ebay (its always the spring that snaps NOT) riped the door apart to find the plastic kam at the back off the barrel had snapped, (found the broken bit in the silt in the door,the tide mark came half way up the inside of the door).
So has any one a drivers lock so i can lock/unlock it in stead of climing in and out the back.

2 words, if not on here

1) Ebay (just had a look, check out the seller 'DLS LAND ROVER SPARES UK')
2) Breakers, although you'd need to change the key barrel (if you can that is, not sure, can do on other less ace vehicles)
Put by sunday afternoon to have a look at drivers door lock as it went pop the other day.

So has any one a drivers lock so i can lock/unlock it in stead of climing in and out the back.


PM me as I should be able to help you ... I think.
Will be busy busy tomorrow and Wednesday ... might be THursday before I can strip off bits. Let me know exactly what you want - photo is good.


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