
Active Member
hi guy's
were to start 'my bulkhead had been fillerd by previous owner and lots of it started sanding it down with grinder :D on both corners and both foot wells drivers side isnt as bad as passingers side corner
any how i removed wings steering rack servo ect redy to remove bulkhead few bolts left lol .
my question is wuld it be worth geting some 1 to weld it up while its out or buy another of e'ay . i do have limted funds aswel:mad:

here some pics let me no what you think would be best





It can be repaired and parts for it are readily available, one good source being YLM. However from the looks of it you would be a lot easier just to replace the full thing. Not bad bulkheads do come up now and again for cheap
You can get repair sections for top corner/posts and footwells. Might be worth asking if there's anyone local to you thats handy with a welder and looking for some work.

You can try ebay for a solid one but yours looks repairable.
its defo repairable but question is whats your time frame. if ya need a quick turn around then a new one would be quickest of course but i have seen alot worse.
Have you Taken the screen off yet? If not I'd suggest doing so. Before you decide whether or not to salvage it. At the moment it's borderline salvageable. if it's gone along the top (and it probably will be) I'd start looking for a new one.
a few of my mates reckon i should buy a non so rusted 1 but i dont have loads of cash. was thinking the same repair it there is a chap local who is a welder but havent ask yet. mite be best to remove and show him i gess... but i do have free time but i do need it back onroad by may ..plenty time i would say
yes will be removeing screen tomoz it has started to rust above airvent flap not shure how bad . will get some more pics wen removed
It probably ought to be mentioned that all those repair panels are just the outer skin.
If there is notable decay internally it'll need a lot more cutting & fabrication or it'd just be another cosmetic job only marginally better than daubing it in filler.

Foot wells are double skinned.
Corners have several internal strengtheners.
Top edge is a lot more than a hollow shell too.
maybe on your series that is the case - the repair panel is 1 skin but the original has ribs on the outer most panel and flat surface on the inside face.

you cannot achieve that without a twin skin.
its fooked took it off today and scrap in my eyes need another so keep an eye out please .... would a 300tdi bulkhead fitt ... what modds would i have todo .cheers
Don't scrap it - a repairer will happily take it off your hands if they can salvage bits.

When I replaced mine a local welder bought the old one for £30 as it had a few good parts left. Spent it on beer down town the same day!

Throw nothing.

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