
New Member
Nappy New Year to everyone. I'm a newbie so apologies if I've not followed the rules with this post.

I was the extremely proud owner of 'Bertie' - an ex-MOD Defender 90, 300Tdi until I came home from work on the morning of the 30th Dec to find that someone had stolen my landy around 0630 from my drive in Berkshire.

It's quite a distinctive vehicle - NATO tow hitch, and electrics, Balmoral green and an orange flashing light on the roof. The front two wheel were whiter than the rear as I'd recently (badly) repainted them. It's only done 11,500 miles and I was the first owner following it's illustrious military career.

Reg is S983 MFC (checked with the insurers that it's ok to post this). I'll offer a pretty decent cash reward to anyone who can help me get the landy back, though I'm fairly realistic about the chances of this happening.

I thought this would never happen, so if you're reading this and have a much loved landy on the drive without any extra security, please don't be as naive as I was and go and buy something to help stop it being stolen.

If you can help in any way, please PM me - I've been told there has been a particular spate of thefts of landys, so I guess please don't buy spared unless you're pretty confident where they came from - and please lock up your trusty landy and don't think "it won't happen to me"!

Safe and happy driving, Simon
Sorry to hear of yet another fender stolen :mad:

You need to put this in the 'Stolen' section of this site and also on Landywatch (if you haven't already).

Also introduce yourself in the appropriate section of LZ.

Welcome to Landyzone, it's just a pity that it took a theft to get you here ;)
Hi Simon,

Sorry to hear about the theft of your Lady, and hope that the scrotes who took her get caught and that you get your Landy back soon.

Might I suggest that you alert as many of the Landy fora as possible to spread the word.

*Note to mods*
Can this be copied on to the Stolen Landy thread as well.
Hi Kinys,

Sorry to hear this. I'm in Reading and will keep my eyes open.

I agree that some pictures would help, as would a slightly more specific location. There have been a number of thefts in the last year around Berkshire that seem to cluster around certain areas. (Not looking for a street or anything to identify you, just something slightly more specific.)

Also it's worth posting this to Landy Watch -

Best of luck
Oh mate.

Get the word around.
Also on geocacher's forums.
Those people wander all off the beaten track. They were a great help to me.
Set up a 'watch' search on ebay etc.

I'll take a wander down the woods near me.

Good luck.


Thanks for the support guys.

Location was Ascot - very near to the racecourse.

I'll post some pics tomorrow when I've worked out how to do it!

Thanks for the suggestion of posting on landywatch - what a great idea that site is.

Why do I only discover all these things after the blessed thing has been nicked?!

Thanks again, and Happy New Year.


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