
Active Member
Can any of you V8 nutters help me my 3.5 V8 in my series 2a will not fire. It cranks over with no spark from plug or coil lead. Whilst cranking over there is not a spark but as the key turns back to the middle there is a spark and sometimes cranks back. It has a luminition ignition system. There is voltage to the top of the coil. Any ideas what to check next would be great..:blabla:
It has a luminition ignition system.

Guess that's the problem there then!!

If it was a standard Rover electronic system I would have suggetsed you have a dead ignition amplifier or the pick up has become faulty (air gap??).

I have no idea how the Luminition system is made up so can't help.
older systems used points as a low current trigger and amplifier as switching (look and see if points open and check wiring has not shorted down)

newer system the points were replaced by a hall effect pickup and rotor.
you can either use a meter with frequency or milivolt setting or oscilloscope the sensor.

If you have 12 volts(un ballasted system) directly across coil terminals-switching issue (trigger or amp)
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if everything else checks out, try the ignition switch itself and make sure the contacts arent warn or damaged
Thanks for your ideas, I have narrowed it down to the coil I think as I have no pulse off the negative side of the coil, so I have a new coil and will fit that today and hopefully I will bring this beast which has stood since 2004 back to life. Will let you know the results:rolleyes:

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