You're welcome LL. Got any pictures of yer 90 then? Mondo will be here in a minit askin ter see pictures, cos he dint read too well!
F.Cough !:p

ello littlelandy !;)

urryup wi these piccies then !

Oooo Mondo! Yer F.Cough seems to be gettin worse! Git to the doctors laddie!! An mek sure yer burd looks after yer propper. She shud mek sure yer got yer vest on afore ye go out...
Av got me vest on ffs !

I do seem t be runnin a bit short on underware tho, soon as i tek em off they seem t vanish of the bedroom floor.:rolleyes:
**** have......I is always welcoming them nicely.........theys probably doin a search as we speak

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