
New Member
Hey all!

Currently own a Ford Ranger Wildtrak and on the lookout for a Defender 90 as a project, never had one before, but having loads of fun looking for one.

Is it true that if it doesn't have any rust or hasn't had any welding done or have oil leak(s), its not worth buying? :)

They all seem to have "somewhere on the Vehicle structure has excessive corrosion.." in the MOT history, I know they are old, but am I wasting my time trying to find a "good un"?

Not looking to spend 10k+ as I want to use it as a project and offroad, not a daily! (granted 10k aint going to get a show pony, but thats not what I want).
Welcome :) .

Now the things is it goes like this.

I am too lazy to list;). Read the forum probably easier.

I park on a gravel drive and they don’t salt the roads.
Bottom line is you need to see it and not believe the sales blurb.

Welcome to landyzone.
Yep many a young virgin buyer from first purchase, suffered later with baldness from constant scratching.

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