
New Member
hello all knew to this forum

at present i drive a vw golf 1/6ltr automatic

i am looking to get a landrover freelander 2.0ltr

i have been looking at a few online on autotrader to get insurance quotes and i keep getting big differences for example one quote i got was half the price for more or less exactly the same car why is this??????

also if anyone has a freelander automatic for sale could you let me know

many thanks
Do we look like insurance brokers???

if the price us unusually high it's normally because they don't wanna insure you. or the car..
that dont really answer the question i was asking but thank you for your "sacarstic" reply much appreciated

Course it does FFS

this may surprise you but we don't have a fooking clue what you put on ya quote form. So How the Fook are we supposed to know why the quotes varied so much.. I thought every fooker got varying quotes??? :mad:
No need to get so ****y pants. Take ya Ritalin and calm the f**k down in the cheap seats.
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well if they can get away with swearing so can i

what is it one rule for them and another rule for me

at end of the day i asked a simple question and all i got from them was abuse that was indeed UNCALLED FOR!!!!
well if they can get away with swearing so can i

what is it one rule for them and another rule for me

at end of the day i asked a simple question and all i got from them was abuse that was indeed UNCALLED FOR!!!!

Don't worry soon be Christmas.. You will have plenty more toys to throw out the pram
ok im bored of this now i get bored very easily so if anyone seriously can help then feel free if your just going to be abusive dont waste your time :D:D:D
whoo hooo weve got a new pet!!! can we keep him? can we? can we? oh go on please!
Dont get all ****y, the good folks where just having a little fun. You have asked an age old question with out searching it thouroughly. How can anyone tell you why you have had 2 different insurance quotes without knowing all the details.
there are lots of diferent insurance companies with even more price differences, you have to choose the one that suits you. a few more details would help

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