wxm landy

New Member
Hello all, I've been lurking for a few weeks. Picked up an 2004 Defender 90 last week after following some of the helpful info posted here :)

Had a few little dramas with it already, the relay under the drivers seat would let the engine start after the supermarket shop and after taking it into the local Land Rover inde for a once over they found the rear prop shaft was, well, shafted :rolleyes:

Also taken the 18" alloys that it came with off and replaced them with 16" Boosts :cool: So a set of 18" alloys will be appearing in the classifieds soon...
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Welcome to the nut house, hope you enjoy your fender, no matter how much trouble they cause ya they will always put a smile on your face, also make sure you have a thick skin on here, not your normal lr gay kiss me forum plenty of banter and **** taking but also a wealth of knowledge and help after you had thie **** taken thou:D

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