
New Member
Just got myself a def 110. Come home put the kettle on and joined this site.
First things first hello to anyone out there... I'm honoured to join a select group of individuals who should know better but are glad they don't !!
Most of my post will be to do with protecting the underside and repairing any oxidisation, any tips for a total novice will be greatly appreciated.
Welcome Tony, this forum is great for general tips and advice (you can save a fortune). Use the search section and I'm sure you will find what you're looking for..
welcome :D.........hehe i'm part of a select group................normally we just get called retards !
i only joined yesterday, but as you can see from my post count, they can't shut me up now!lol
hope you enjoy it as much as i am


You the guy who shoots pikey's ?
Lol I'm not the pikey shooter but after reading some threads on landrover theft from around travellers camp sites maybe I could offer my services...lot of anger out there.
Tony (not the pikey shooter....but don't tempt me ) Martin.
Welcome Tony, this forum is great for general tips and advice (you can save a fortune). Use the search section and I'm sure you will find what you're looking for..
Cheers fella
After the first few weeks of ownership I do seem to have most of the usual Defender quirks...Spider in residence, power steering pump leaking slightly and rain finding it's way into footwells...ho hum...roll with the punches.
Thanks for your reply, hope the first of many.
Tony (not the pikey shooter but don't tempt me) Martin.

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