
New Member
Hello all! I've just joined the landy way of life as of 3 days ago, with a Disco 2 TD5. I've been itching for a landy for years and finally got around to picking one up. I am not disappointed.

Anyways I've tried a few searches for answers but I couldn't find any info specific enough for me to go out there and start pulling bits out of it.

I've had the 3 amigos since I picked it up (I knew the price was too good to be true) so I've called some local garages and found one that'll read off the error codes for me for 20 quid. Hoping its nothing expensive...

Anyway my real issue is the central locking, the fob will flash the hazards just fine, but when I go to open the door the alarm goes off every time. Even pressing the fob twice doesnt unlock even the drivers door. The key locks and unlocks individual doors alright.

I'm about to go and investigate the BCU for water/ damage etc. My question is, if I pull the battery cables off and disconnect the BCU will I have to reprogram anything? I don't have ANY of the original manuals for the car.

Aswell as this there is an odd bumping noise when rotating the steering wheel over it's central position, it sounds like a joint or something. I'll be taking a look at this aswell in a few minutes. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I'm only mildly mechanically minded.

Also if anyone with nanocom or hawkeye is located in west somerset, you could be my new best friend!


Quick update for anyone that is interested/ has advice. A chap at work plugged his snap-on diag tool into it and it came up with front right speed sensor error and the it has a SRS ground fault error on the front left seat belt pretensioner.

Anyone have any advice as to where to look for the pretensioner error? Obviously the wiring around the seat, but where does the wiring run after it leaves the seat?

Also the sun roof is leaking so I should imagine the central locking is related as the water is going straight down to the inside of the windscreen. How long is it going to take me to change the seal on it?

Do a search on three amigos, there's loads of info, you're leak is likely to be your sunroofs which is a case of removing headlining taking sunroofs out and reasealling them you try putting Vaseline round the sunroof seal first which can sometimes cure the problem.
Hi Joe,

Welcome to the crazy world of Land Rover ownership :welcome:

You're probably right to think the central locking issue is water related - it usually is. On mine the CDL works okay if it's a dry day but after rain (like today) it won't unlock the drivers door. Take a look behind the passenger side kick panel and you'll probably find it very damp and maybe even a few corroded wires around the big white connector.

Ah, the dreaded 3 amigos :mad: If your mates diag tool is showing a ground fault then unless you have a copy of the manuals you'll just have to poke around and find an earth point that is starting to corrode.

The (potentially) bad news is that unless the speed sensor wiring is damaged you're likely looking at a replacement hub ... and they're a tad expensive.

Where abouts are you located? I've only had my D2 for 2 weeks and it's already getting to me - I traded up from a D1 because it was getting too costly to keep going and this thing is just as bad. Maybe we could meet up and cry into each others beer sometime :D
For the time being, until you can replace the hungry this:

Tak out the sensor, clean the mating surfaces, discard the o ring from the sensor pack the hole with grease, replace sensor and coat again with grease just to help seal it.

I had issues with both my fronts on the previous d2, did this and only occasionally got the amigos, usually when bouncing onto a high kerb. It wil buy you a little time and should only take half hour to do.
On the sunroof check the drains arnt blocked first its pretty common also sometimes they snap off

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