
hey im scott, i bought my first landrover earlier this year and i love it. its an old one with the 19j engine but its a beast all the same. i bought it because i worked on a farm at the time and recently leant it to a mate who broke it. absaloutly gutted. the starter motor is completely flubbered but i have got a replacement, the only problem is that it is not the original engine and i cant get the old one out. i was thinkin of selling it because it was alot of hastle with all the breakdowns and barely more than 17 miles to the gallon but i just cant.
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:welcome2: There's plenty of help here if you need it, just ask, (but make sure you do a quick search for relevant topics first, folks round here get a bit narked at repeating themselves). As you've found Landy ownerships a bug you catch, you just have to take the tears with the fun:D
welcome paterson what typ of landy do you have there is a lot of knowledge in this nut house of a forum but stick to it and you should have lots of fun.

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