
New Member
Evening all .

Just thought I'd pop in and see how you all is. I've been doing a load of reserch for my metal detecting and trying to gain permissions to search .... 'tis like banging me head agin a wall.

Anthoo, I should be around a bit more often now so lets not have any swearing, eh?
Hey hey, it's Shilpa Sheddy! :rolleyes:

Awreet chap, thort you'd gone fer good, or a good sulk at least.

Welcome back. :D
"what will heaven be like tubs?" "heaven will be like Swansea, only bigger."

Welcome home slitty sheds ;)

once your here, you can never leave :) no matter how hard you try...

whats with the metal detectors? all the laws in this ****-ry surrounding that are anal. you want to head out to Vietnam, their all over looking for scrap metal to sell. id call it an extreme sport cos there is a good chance you will loose limbs in the process! good weather too ;)


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