
New Member
hi, After not having a disco since my old 200 tdi, I've finally got a nice disco 2 td5 , been on the look out for months so very happy, just did a few engine bits and bobs , egr blank , injector harness , turbo gateway clean and new waste gate switch, full service and she's running like a dream . Put on a roof rack , 4 spots, rear ladder and snorkel, with a full set of lamp guards , next job is under protection , could of bought one done , but I love working on Landrovers , really do think they are awesome and parts are so cheep and easy to get hold of. Anyone with a front steering guard or diff protectors they want to sell , please let me know , and I'm also after a set of mud tyres on steel rims . Cheers guys and great to be on such a brill forum.
welcome disco here and disco there! Put your request in the discovery section! Good luck with the mods :cool:
Welcome. The TD5 is a nice engine if looked after. Hope there aren't too many electronic gremlins.
Thanks guys , yes EKA code is logged lol , although I did try to put it in my radio , as I got the codes mixed up . But all fun in the end , plus a good excuse to sit in my disco and faff lol

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